Welcome Office

Anna Emilia Maria De Salvo  |  Martina Loro
Service managed by
Head office Teaching and Student Services Head Office | Research Office
Visiting Scholars&Professors: +39 045 8028591 / Visiting Students: +39 045 802 8286 
Visiting Scholars&Professors: international.cooperation@ateneo.univr.it; Visiting Students: relazioni.internazionali@ateneo.univr.it

da Lunedì a Venerdì 9.00AM - 1.00PM

The Welcome office offers a wide range of helpful services and useful information to international visiting students,administrative staff, scholars and professors such as:

Before arrival: support in applying for entry visas, research clearances, housing, health insurance, etc.

Upon arrival: information on services offered by the university (Italian language courses offered by the Language Center, university canteens, access to wi-fi network, libraries, sports activities, etc.) and by the city (public transport, leisure, cultural activities)

The Welcome office service is managed by the International Mobility Office for the reception of students and by the Research Area for the reception of doctoral students, researchers and faculty.

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Via dell'Artigliere 8, 37129 Verona  |  VAT number IT01541040232  |  Italian Fiscal Code 93009870234