Good Practice - students

Antonella Arvedi
Giada Ciocchetta
Service managed by
Operational unit Management Control and Directional Reporting Unit | Performance and Directional Control Office
The ‘Good Practice’ project is a national survey which aims to measure student satisfaction with some of the services offered by the Italian universities, in this case the University of Verona. The results of this survey will be compared to those administered by the many other Italian universities participating in the project, that share a common goal in striving for continuous improvement.
In particular, the survey will analyse the following areas: services provided by Student Offices; student orientation and Job Placement services; services related to scholarships and grants (equal access to education); internationalisation; the quality of facilities and equipment; the library services; and the information systems available for students.
The ‘Good Practice’ project is based on two different types of surveys, which aim to focus on:
  • the efficiency of each service analysed, i.e. the evaluation of the total and unit cost incurred by the University to produce a given result;
  • the effectiveness of each service analysed, or the quality of the service as perceived by students, to be measured through customer satisfaction surveys.
When logging into Esse3 for the first time you will be asked to participate or not in the questionnaire - only once. Please note: the questionnaire is anonymous.
You will have the opportunity to choose whether to fill in the questionnaire in Italian or in English. Please note: the two versions (Italian and English) are identical in their content.
At the beginning of the questionnaire, you will be asked to enter some general information and then to evaluate some of the services provided by the University of Verona.

PLEASE NOTE: you may be asked to complete this questionnaire along with the Student Survey on the quality of teaching, which you will be asked to fill in the first time you intend to register for a module/exam. However, these are completely different types of surveys, and you will be required to complete each of them only once.
The data gathered from the survey will be collected in anonymous and aggregated form, therefore it will not be possible for us to associate your personal views with your identity. 
You can find the results of all past editions at the following link.
In case of difficulties in filling in the online questionnaire, students are invited to read carefully the FAQ – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (bottom of this page).
For specific problems you can contact the Support Service by sending an e-mail to: including your GIA ID (username). Please do not send your email to other institutional email addresses.

Should you experience problems with your ID and password please do NOT contact your Student Office: on the 'Password and login management' webpage you’ll find all the information you need to recover your username and/or password. 

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