Erasmus+ Study

Service managed by
Operational unit International Office
Opening times

Per informazioni generali contattare il numero telefonico 045 802 8004 nei seguenti giorni: lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 13.00.

Ricevimento al pubblico - Front Office: temporaneamente sospeso.

Erasmus+ study Programme

International mobility in countries participating in the Erasmus+ Programme offered to Univr students who intend to spend a semester in a European partner University.

Universities in which the mobility can be spent

Consult the map of international agreements and the lists divided by study area. Information sheets for each individual foreign partner university of the University of Verona are available.

How the Erasmus mobility period works

Univr full-time students up to date with the payment of fees will be able to carry out a period of mobility at a foreign partner university, perform academic activities (lessons, exams, etc.) and obtain recognition of the study period abroad and credits acquired.

No payment of enrollment fees at the Host University will be required; however, some universities may require the payment of additional contributions to cover insurance costs, public transport agreements, teaching materials, etc. (applying identical treatment to local students).

Language certifications required to participate

Each foreign university require a specific type of certificate / level. Detailed information is available in the fact sheets (see map of international agreements)

Amount of the mobility grant

Grants are considered as a contribution for mobility costs (travel, accommodation, different costs of living) and vary depending on the country of destination and the ISEE range.

How to participate

A call is published every year in January/February.

INFO DAY presentation of the Erasmus+ Study call (Italiano - English)

Specific services for each area of study:

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