Taking exams under special conditions

Service managed by
Operational unit Inclusion and Accessibility

Under current legislation individual students with disabilities or SLD/Specific Learning Disorder may take exams under special conditions, subject to prior agreement with the relevant lecturer, and by using specific auxiliary aids.
If you need to take exams under special conditions, please follow the steps below:
Whenever you need to take an exam under special conditions (trattamento individualizzato, in Italian) please write to inclusione@ateneo.univr.it at least 15 days before the date of the exam. Please note that, should you write to us after this date, you may not be granted special conditions.
In your email message (please use the ‘E-mail template’ file in the ‘Documents’ section below) you will need to include the following information:
YOUR CONTACT DETAILS: your name and surname, Student ID number, degree programme title, e-mail address and phone number; please attach a certificate confirming your disability or SLD/Specific Learning Disorder, if it has not already been sent to us.
EXAM TITLE: the title of the exam you wish to take under special conditions, examination mode (written or oral test); name and surname and e-mail address of the responsible lecturer.
AUXILIARY AIDS: let us know if you need any specific auxiliary aids to take the exam.

Our office, once it has processed your request, will notify the lecturer concerned by e-mail, indicating any auxiliary aids required (CC-ing you on the e-mail). If, 5 days before the examination, you have not received anything yet, do not hesitate to contact us by telephone or e-mail to check your request status.

Let us know if you no longer intend to take the exam, or if unforeseen events prevent you from taking the exam. 

Language certification exam in the University Language Center (CLA)
The above instructions also apply to CLA language certification tests with the following specific features.

  •     The e-mail to the OU Inclusion must be sent at the same time as the enrolment for the exam;
  •     You must use the enclosed CLA TEST email template;
  •     The adapted test could be held on a  different date: the OU inclusion will give you notice of the date of your test.

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