Auxiliary aids and services when taking an admission test

Service managed by
Operational unit Postgraduate Study Unit  –  Operational unit Inclusion and Accessibility
When taking an admission test for a limited-entry degree programme, candidates with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities can request the necessary assistive technologies, depending on their needs, as well as extra time for completing their test.
Candidates with disabilities are entitled to:
  • +50% extra time when taking their test, but only if they apply for it;
  • specific auxiliary aids and services depending on their medical condition.
Candidates with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities are entitled to:
  • +30% extra time when taking their test, no specific applications needed;
  • specific auxiliary aids and services, e.g. non-scientific calculators, screen magnifiers, and one-to-one support from a study assistant of the University.   
In any case, the following tools are not allowed: dictionaries; notes; periodic tables of elements; concept maps; personal computer/tablet/smartphone, smartwatch or similar devices.
Certifications needed to apply for auxiliary aids and services
  • Certificates of invalidity and/or serious disability pursuant to Law no. 104/1992 must be submitted by email together with the relevant application form (which must contain the student's declaration that the copies attached are identical to the original documents);
  • Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities diagnosis certificates issued pursuant to Law no. 170/2010: these must be issued within the last three years, or after the applicant has turned eighteen, and must have been issued by a body of the Italian National Health System, or by institutes and/or specialists accredited by the Italian National Health System.
The documents submitted will be kept by the University of Verona in compliance with the relevant personal data regulations.

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