DOCTORAL THESIS JOINT SUPERVISION (thesis co-tutoring). Details and procedure.

Anna Emilia Maria De Salvo

A “Cotutelle de Thèse” is a useful and interesting opportunity to improve and enforce the international dimension of doctoral studies with the aim to promote scientific cooperation among Institutions belonging to different countries by encouraging mobility of their doctoral students.
A “Cotutelle de Thèse” allows students to carry out part of their research activity in a foreign institution obtaining, at the end of the programme, a double or joint Ph.D. degree recognized in both the countries where the Universities in partnership are located.

Main Features

A Cotutelle de Thèse Agreement should be signed in the course of the first months of attendance and in any case not later than the end of the first year of the PhD programme. In the framework of a cotutelle, two thesis supervisors must be appointed, one for each Institution involved in the Agreement. Supervisors will guide and support the PhD student during his/her research activity. A cotutelle requires that the student enrolls at both institutions in partnership in a PhD programme with similar scientific objectives and disciplinary fields. The student will enroll at the Host Institution after the approval and, consequently, the signature of the Cotutelle de Thèse Agreement. Enrolment at both Institutions must be renewed every year until the end of the three-year PhD in cotutelle. The PhD student must comply with the administrative requirements of both Institutions (regulations, programme requirements). The preparation of a thesis in cotutelle foresees that the student spends periods of study and research at both Institutions. For cotutelles incoming, the time spent at Verona University must be at least of 12 months upon a three-year period. At the end of the PhD in cotutelle, a single oral defense will be organized. Thesis defense usually takes place at the Home Institution (the means at the Institution that first selected and enrolled the PhD student). The composition of the Examination Committee will be jointly decided and appointed by the Institutions in partnership according to their national and local regulations. The single defense will be recognized by both Institutions which will confer either their respective PhD degrees drafted in their national language or a single joint PhD degree drafted in English. Enrolment fees are usually paid to the Home Institution. If required by the rules in force at the partner Institution, an alternate payment between the two Institutions can be also allowed. Details on language of the PhD dissertation, mobility periods between the Institutions, composition of the Examination Committee, and payment of annual enrolment fees must be clearly specified in the Cotutelle Agreement. A “Cotutelle de Thèse” can be: OUTGOING UNIVR PhD students who are interested in spending a period of study and research abroad at a foreign university in the framework of a cotutelle de thése, with the purpose to obtain, at the end of the programme, a double or joint doctoral degree, must: - find a co-tutor belonging to the partner institution interested in supervising his/her thesis project and research activity in collaboration with the Italian tutor. - Fill in, in collaboration with both Italian and foreign supervisors, the draft of the cotutelle agreement reported below - Submit to the PhD office the draft of his/her co-tutelle agreement duly filled in with the information required. The draft will be analyzed and, in case, modified in agreement with the foreign counterpart. The PhD Office will arrange for the agreement to be countersigned by the Rector of Verona University. - If required by the rules in force at the Host university, the PhD student shall submit a research project to the partner competent authority (ex. Faculty / Department / PhD commission etc.) along with the draft of his/her co-tutelle de these agreement and a copy of his/her previous academic degrees. After signing the co-tutelle agreement, the PhD student shall enroll in the correspondent PhD programme at the partner Institution. This enrolment must be renewed on a yearly basis at the beginning of each academic year until the end of the programme. Before starting to fill in the “Cotutelle de thése” agreement, please contact the Ph.D.Office ( in order to receive further information on the procedure. INCOMING Students enrolled in a PhD programme at a foreign University and interested in spending a period of study and research in our Institution in the framework of a cotutelle de these, with the purpose to obtain, at the end of the program, a double or joint doctoral degree must submit to the PhD Office of Verona University the draft of a co-tutelle de these agreement usually in use in their institution. The draft will be analyzed by the PhD office and approved by the PhD programme Teaching Committee concerned only if in compliance with the format in use at Verona University. Along with the above mentioned draft, the interested student shall provide the following documentation: - detailed report on the research activity carried out at his/her Home Institution with a list of the exams already taken, grades, and classes attended (if applicable in the specific case); - research project synopsis; - brief letter of reference by his/her supervisor at Home Institution; - copy of his/her bachelor and master’s diploma and respective transcripts of records. - CV In case of approval, the PhD student shall obligatory enroll in our Ph.D. programme, renewing his/her enrolment at the beginning of each year, in order to receive, at the end of his/her course, the PhD degree from Verona University.

IMPORTANT: in order to be admitted in a PhD programme in Italy, the student should hold a Master of Science's degree. This general rule is valid even though the student enters one of Verona PhD programmes by means of a co-tutelle incoming and not through a public selection as usual It is the responsibility of each candidate to check the approval procedure of their own cotutelle agreement. Therefore, we recommend that candidates get in touch simultaneously not only with their possible supervisors but also with the administration offices in charge of the agreement process at both universities for enquiries about requirements, deadlines and steps to follow. Verona University PhD Office can be contacted by e-mail or by phone 0039 045 8028092.

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