Cooperation with foreign Institutions

Anna Emilia Maria De Salvo
Camilla Morelato
Service managed by
Operational unit PhD Unit  –  Research Office
The internationalization of a PhD programme can be implemented through different forms of cooperation with foreign universities and research centers.  Below a brief description of three different types of doctoral agreement:  agreement for a "Cotutelle de thèse" (Co-supervised thesis); agreement for an International Exchange Programme, agreement for a Joint Doctoral Programme / International Doctoral Track.


DOCTORAL THESIS JOINT SUPERVISION (thesis co-tutoring). Details and procedure.
A Cotutelle de Thèse Agreement should be signed in the course of the first months of attendance and in any case not later than the end of the first year of the PhD programme.

Agreement for the creation of an International Exchange Programme
Under this Agreement, PhD students who are regularly enrolled in a PhD programme at their Home Institution can spend a period of study and research at the Partner Institution, where they will be registered as “non-degree visiting students” for the entire duration of their exchange.

Agreement for an international track within an already existing PhD (International Doctoral Track)

Agreement for the creation of a Joint Doctoral Programme
This Agreement aims to regulate the creation of a new PhD programme jointly run with a foreign Institution

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