Meneghetti loans and browsing

Service managed by
E. Meneghetti central library - Medicine, Science and Technology
045 802 7115 WhatsApp +39 334 6401606 
Opening times

Lunedì-venerdì: 8.30-19.30


Strada Le Grazie 8, 37134 Verona

For loans and browsing, please ask the staff working in the library entrance foyer. The loan period is generally 20 days, renewable up to a maximum of 9 times consecutively as long as the material has not been requested by any other user. Materials in the Reading room that may be borrowed have a loan period of 7 days, renewable. Requests to renew must be made before the loan expiry date. This can be done online through OPAC, by telephone or in person. You can make a request for library materials that are already on loan through the same methods.

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