UNIVAIR - Campus wireless network

Andrea Sartori
Michele Albrigo  |  Anna Bianchi  |  Matteo Boscolo  |  Pietro Cristofoli
Service managed by
Networking group  –  Head office IT and Communications

This service allows users to gain access to the network via Wi-Fi and is available to anyone (students, teachers, employees) in possession of GIA credentials (that is, the same username and password normally used to log into our E-Mail server or gain access to our on line enrolment procedures, for example). There are two different ways users can gain access the network:

This OPEN network has been designed for quick and occasional use and should allow access to devices that do not natively support the WPA2 Enterprise security protocol, the only one to adhere to the minimum recommended security standards used in public Wi-Fi networks.
In this mode, data is NOT transmitted in encrypted form (except for user credentials, of course: as a matter of fact, user authentication takes place inside a secure HTTPS web page). For a safer approach, especially when sensitive data is involved, we strongly recommend the users to opt for the UNIVAIR-WPA2 network which provides data encryption (as we will see later).
To access the service users must connect to the “UNIVAIR-OPEN” network, (picking the correct SSID as soon as it becomes visible in the list of available wireless networks), fire up their browser of choice (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc ...), type any URL, wait for the automatic web redirection and finally insert their GIA credentials on the resulting authentication page.
Once connected to the UNIVAIR-OPEN network users will be able to:
•    surf the Internet (both HTTP and HTTPS URLs);
•    log into the University of Verona E-Mail servers through POP3S, SMTPS ed IMAPS protocols;
•    use the university's PROXY service (proxy.univr.it porta 8080) with all the applications that support it.
All the remaining protocols and services are disabled by default.
Every session has an inactivity timeout value of 15 minutes. After this predetermined period time has elapsed, users will be forced to log into authentication page again.

The WPA2 network has been conceived to allow access to all services in a safe way, while complying to current security standards.
Connecting to the WPA2 network allows access to the Internet and to all services available in the University intranet, except for P2P applications.
Network access is possible after configuring your computer according to the instructions available on this site or available on the UNIVAIR-OPEN login page.

Network access implies acceptance of the following rules:
•   your connection can be used only for instructional usage;
•   illegal activities are strictly prohibited on this network (e.g. copyrighted files download);
•   installation of unauthorized Access Points or configuration of your computer as an Access Point is strictly prohibited without a written permission;
•    to improve wireless signal quality, we suggest you turn off any Bluetooth device;
•    users are directly responsible for any damage or violations of current laws deriving from unallowed activities.

Available documents

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