Inclusion and Accessibility: support for students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities

Vittorio Corradini
Laura Castellarin  |  Monica Ghiro  |  Erika Manto  |  Sara Spezia
Service managed by
Operational unit Inclusion and Accessibility | Post Graduate Group | Head office Teaching and Student Services Head Office
+39 045 8028003 

Front office telefonico: dal lunedì al venerdì ore 10.00-13.00. Altre modalità di contatto da concordare telefonicamente.
Accesso all'aula studio: dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8.30 alle 17.30

The University of Verona supports students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities from enrolment to graduation by providing them with the support they need to effectively participate in the educational activities of the University.
Our University has chosen to promote a culture of inclusion, valuing diversity and enhancing the strengths of each person, providing training tailored to each individual’s needs through specific auxiliary aids and services.
The Inclusion and Accessibility unit works closely with the Rector’s Delegate for Equal Access to Education, the Scientific Committee for Inclusion, the representatives of Schools and Departments, and the Equal Opportunities Commission.

The services we provide are detailed in the Guide to Services.

Who it’s for
This service is intended for students enrolled in degree programmes, professional master programmes, PhD programmes, individual modules, schools of specialisation, exchange programmes, as well as all students participating in the admission tests for limited access degree programmes, in the following cases:

  • disability, supported by specific medical documentation from a medical commission, pursuant to Law no. 295/1990 and/or Law no. 104/1992
  • specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities, provided the student has been diagnosed with such disorders by the National Health Service or by specialists or approved institutes, in accordance with Law no. 170/2010
  • temporary disability or invalidity, supported by a medical certificate, and resulting from accidents, surgery, hospitalisations, prolonged illness, or other clinical conditions that prevent the student from attending classes

How to request the service
To request the service please provide the Inclusion unit with a certificate of disability (pursuant to Law no. 104/92) and/or invalidità civile, or the diagnosis of Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities, and the certificate of invalidity issued by healthcare authorities (subject to renewal every 3 years, unless it has permanent validity). Copy of a valid identity document, tax ID number and IBAN must also be attached.
Students from other countries will need to submit a certificate of disability or SLD/learning disabilities issued by healthcare authorities in their country of residence, accompanied by a sworn translation into Italian or English.
To schedule a preliminary interview please request an appointment by email

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