Services for International

General services

Professori Emeriti ed Onorari
Statute and regulations
La raccolta di tutti i documenti e i regolamenti ufficiali suddivisi per tematica
Ideazione e organizzazione di eventi dell'università
Social media
Elenco delle pagine ufficiali dell'università di Verona sui principali Social media

Studying at the University of Verona

University Scholarships and Grants
International degree-seeking students
Info for prospective students

Welcome Office
The Welcome office offers a wide range of helpful services and useful information to international visiting students,administrative staff, scholars and professors at their arrival: housing, Italian language and culture courses, university canteens, public transport, leisure time in Verona, etc.)


Booking a place at the library
Available only at the Frinzi, Meneghetti and Santa Marta libraries

Research and relations with the region

Public Engagement
Public engagement is about communicating, sharing and disseminating the benefits of education and research results through non-profit activities with educational, cultural and social development value.
Researchers from all around the world
The University of Verona welcomes researchers from all around the world. The main funding opportunities are the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, the ERC grants and the Rita Levi Montalcini Programme.

Informazioni e documenti utili

Anticorruzione, Trasparenza e Accesso agli atti
Opportunities abroad for students and staff
Informazione e rapporti con le redazioni giornalistiche
Programmazione integrata di Ateneo
Protezione Dati
Visita Accreditamento Periodico (CEV)

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