Student Career Management - Sciences and Engineering

Service managed by
Operational unit Science and Engineering Teaching and Student Services Unit
Front-Office Studenti: +39 045 8027011 | Orario: 10:00-13:00 

Gli studenti e i futuri studenti possono chiedere supporto a:

Front - Office Studenti

per tutti i quesiti e le richieste di informazioni di carattere generale (es: dove posso trovare l'orario delle lezioni? Qual è il numero dell'ufficio stage?). Il servizio è erogato via telefono al +39 045 802 7011 e in presenza (Front-Office, atrio di Ca' Vignal 2) dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 13:00.

Segreteria Studenti - Carriere del proprio corso di studio

per tutte le casistiche e le richieste specifiche alla propria carriera (es: non mi trovo verbalizzato un esame in libretto, perché?  Posso chiedere di spostare un insegnamento dal TAF D al TAF F?). Il servizio è erogato in due modalità: via e-mail ( - dal proprio account istituzionale se studenti, specificando nell'oggetto matricola e corso di studio) e via telefono (allo specifico numero collegato al proprio corso di studio, dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 12:00).

Please note that on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, university offices and buildings will be closed from Wednesday, December 27 to Saturday, December 30, 2023.

Activities will resume regularly on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.

Procedures common to all study courses are available on the Student Secretary's Office Services webpage.

Student Secreterary's Office

ATTENTION: most bureaucratic procedures have a time window, which is defined in the Academic Calendar and shown on the pages of the specific services listed at the bottom.

The service is aimed at all students enrolled in study courses in the Science and Engineering area and includes services (see the Services section) and documentation (see the Documents section) useful for student career management.

Students are reminded to contact the Equal Access to Education Unit for the payment of fees, applications for scholarships, benefits and facilities.

What to do autonomously

Students can independently manage many aspects of their careers directly from MYUNIVR, which is essential to view all notices related to services and the study course, and/or on ESSE3, such as:

Freshmen can rely on this useful information to help them find their way around the University of Verona.

Further services that are fundamental in one's student career are:

  • electronic badge (for Science and Engineering students, there is also a physical badge, which can be booked on ESSE3 by following the path: Segreteria -> Impegni e Prenotazioni Appointments in the Secretariat and collected from the Front Office during opening hours)
  • Univr App

What you need to contact your secretariat for

Certain types of administrative procedures cannot be completed independently by the student and require the support of the Student secretariat staff, by sending an email to specifying study course and matriculation number (VRXXXXXX) in the subject line. It is recommended to request them well in advance and within the dedicated time windows (see above all the Academic Calendar):

The telephone service is available from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 at the following numbers:

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