Davide Sartori

The contents of this page are the responsibility of the person Davide Sartori
and of the structure: IT and Communications

Technical-administrative staff
Head office/Staff office belonging to
IT and Communications
davide|sartori*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address. 
Davide Sartori,  September 21, 2021

Administrative duties

Offices within the University

  • Service Accessibilità della Didattica for
  • Service Didattica a distanza for
  • Service Didattica online: permanenza e conservazione dei dati
  • Service Esami Online - Docenti
  • Service Esami Online - Studenti
  • Service JoVE
  • Service Moodle for
  • Service University e-learning platform – your lessons online
  • Service Moodleser
  • Service Panopto - Piattaforma di video content management for
  • Service Surveys for
  • Service Tecnologie Innovative per la Didattica for
  • Service Wooclap for
  • Service Workshop tematici sulle modalità attuative delle Linee Guida
  • Service Zoom - Sistema di videoconferenza, messaggistica, screen-sharing e controllo remoto for

Office Hours

Per richieste di supporto, indirizzare una e-mail all'indirizzo davide.sartori@univr.it

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