Maria Letizia De Battisti

The contents of this page are the responsibility of the person Maria Letizia De Battisti
and of the structure: Performance and Directional Control Office

Technical-administrative staff
Head office/Staff office belonging to
Performance and Directional Control Office
+ 39 045 8028740
marialetizia|debattisti*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address. 

Istitutional duties

Offices within the University

  • Service Attività a scelta dello studente (D) - Farmacia for
  • Service Conoscenze richieste, modalità di verifica e obblighi formativi aggiuntivi (OFA) - Farmacia for
  • Service Gestione carriere studenti - Farmacia for
  • Service Prova finale - Farmacia for
  • Service Tirocinio professionale Farmacia for
  • Service Tirocinio professionalizzante - Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Farmacia
  • Service Tutorato per gli studenti - Farmacia for

Offices within other managements

Title Format (Language, Size, Last update)
CV De Battisti  pdf pdf (it, 4,636.637 KB, 9/9/21)

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