Organo di supporto

Governing bodies are decision-making bodies in which teachers and technical-administrative staff and, in some cases, the students participate

Disciplinary Committee
The committee is made up of full-time tenured teaching staff and researchers, according to the University Statute, and is authorised to conduct disciplinary proceedings and express its conclusive opinions.

Equal opportunities commission
Committee for Equal Opportunities, Employee Wellbeing and Non-Discrimination at Work - CUG
Established by Law no. 183/2010, the CUG is a special university body which deals with issues relating to equal opportunities, the employees’ wellbeing and non-discrimination in the workplace. The CUG replaces and combines the functions of the former Equal Opportunities Committee and the Joint Committee against Mobbing.

  • to propose actions and projects aimed to ensure that equal opportunities are fully implemented for those who work and study at the University, and promote a culture of equality;
  • to ensure that there is no moral or physical violence, as well as direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, disability, age, religion, language and any other related aspects;
  • to promote work-life balance initiatives;
  • to propose actions and projects aimed at promoting employee wellbeing.

The CUG has advisory and monitoring functions, with the aim of promoting a culture of equality, improving employee wellbeing, and tackling discrimination. The CUG, which works in collaboration with the Confidential Counsellor, currently runs a Counselling service.

Confidential Counsellor
The University has appointed a Confidential Counsellor to prevent, manage and help solving any reported cases of bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination and work distress that may occur at the University.

Counselling service
The counselling and psychological support services are among the tools we use in order to ensure the mental, physical and social wellbeing of our staff. This service is intended for employees who are experiencing distress, anxiety and stress, which can put at risk their personal and working health, inevitably affecting the entire organisation.
This service is for academic and technical/administrative staff. Further information can be found in the "Servizi > Agevolazioni e tutele" section on MyUnivr – intranet (please note: you will need to log in using your username and password).

Commissione Partecipate

La Commissione Partecipate è presieduta dal Delegato del Rettore alle Società, Consorzi e Partecipazioni di Ateneo ed è competente a:

  • elaborare proposte per i competenti Organi istituzionali volte a disciplinare, secondo criteri di efficacia, efficienza e economicità, la partecipazione dell'Università ad enti ed organismi di diritto pubblico e privato, a partire dalla redazione di apposite Linee Guida inerenti il procedimento di costituzione/adesione e le modalità di partecipazione dell’Ateneo in enti terzi nonché il funzionamento interno della Commissione stessa;
  • formulare ai competenti Organi istituzionali pareri, non vincolanti:
    - su ogni proposta di adesione o costituzione di un soggetto partecipato dall'Ateneo;
    - sugli esiti del monitoraggio periodico condotto dall’Ufficio Partecipate sulle attività e sulla situazione economico-patrimoniale dei soggetti partecipati.

Commissione per l’osservanza del Codice etico

La commissione è designata dal Senato accademico e ha funzioni consultive, istruttorie e di indirizzo.
In particolare esprime raccomandazioni sui comportamenti e prassi da adottare, nonché formula pareri sulla conformità al Codice di atti, provvedimenti e procedimenti il cui contenuto o campo di applicazione implichi valutazioni di natura etica o riconducibile al presente Codice. Inoltre svolge la necessaria attività istruttoria a seguito dell’avvio di un procedimento per la violazione del Codice Etico.

Quality Assurance Board
The Quality Assurance Board is the internal department of the University of Verona responsible for exercising the following functions:
  • to promote a culture of quality at the University;
  • to advise the governing bodies of the University on issues of quality assurance (QA) and monitoring of QA processes;
  • to promote the continuous improvement of quality;
  • to support University departments and units to manage Quality Assurance processes.

The Quality Assurance Board is a collegial body composed of teaching staff (one member for each area) and technical-administrative staff.
For further information: Quality Assurance 

Activities up until 

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