Organo di Ateneo

Governing bodies are decision-making bodies in which teachers and technical-administrative staff and, in some cases, the students participate

Academic Senate
In general terms the Academic Senate makes proposals and acts as a consultative body in matters relating to teaching, research and student services. The Academic Senate’s institutional obligations include making proposals and assessments relating to the University’s triannual programming and to any other documents regarding strategic development; assessing the courses offered; providing to the Administrative Board its assessment of the University’s mission, values and vision; and approving, following approval by the Administrative Board, the General University Regulations, the Department Regulations and the regulations regarding teaching and research.

In order to examine particular matters, the Academic Senate may appoint committees overseen by one of its own members with special expertise in the field. Committee members may be external to the Senate and appointed according to professional competence. The Academic Senate may request the committees to provide opinions or proposals and fix time frames within which they must be made. The committees on their own initiative may make proposals to the Senate. The Vice-Rector, the General Director and the head of the Assessment Unit can participate in meetings of the Academic Senate, but without voting rights.

Board of Governors
The Governors deal with strategic planning and control in relation to all matters of administration, finance and the University estate. It is the body that approves scientific and teaching development plans, guarantees financial stability, and verifies that sufficient financial, human and material resources are available to meet planned objectives. The deputy Vice-Rector and the General Director can participate in meetings of the Governors, but without voting rights.

Evaluation group
The Evaluation group acts with other University bodies in assessing research, teaching, administration and financial assistance for students. The group verifies the correct use of resources, and the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of all University activities. Contact:

Board of auditors
Collegial Body

Student Council
The Student Council is the body through which students from the whole University can express their demands. The Student Council is renewed every two years.

Office of the Presidency
Preparation of the sessions of the Student Council, calendar and business concerning the Board

Activities up until 

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