Study Programmes Unit

Cinzia Mirti
Via dell'Artigliere,8 - 37129 Verona


This unit is involved in:
  • Assisting with the writing and maintenance of the university’s internal teaching regulations.
  • Coordinating the three areas dedicated to first and second level tertiary education, helping the university’s departments, schools, teaching committees and degree programme contact staff to establish study programmes and create and modify the corresponding regulations.
  • Supporting the three groups and corresponding teaching units in managing the MIUR database of study programmes and list of all the degree courses (Sua-CdS).
  •  Assisting the process of internationalising our study programmes and helping to set up agreements with foreign universities.

Personnel in the Operating Unit

Maria Grazia Giorgiani
Administrative duties:  Belonging toOperational unit
E-mail:  mariagrazia|giorgiani*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045/8028614

Rosanna Tessa
Administrative duties:  Belonging toOperational unit
E-mail:  rosanna|tessa*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045/8028613

where to find us

The contents of this page are the responsibility of the structure:
Operational unit Study Programmes Unit.
For any explanations, contact: Cinzia Mirti

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Via dell'Artigliere 8, 37129 Verona  |  VAT number IT01541040232  |  Italian Fiscal Code 93009870234