- Manager
- Antonella Arvedi
- Location
- Via dell'Artigliere, 8 - 37129 Verona
- Telephone
- 0458028176
- Telephone 2
- 0458028170
- Fax
- 0458028630
- reporting@ateneo.univr.it
- controllo.gestione@ateneo.univr.it
- valutazionedidattica@ateneo.univr.it
This unit is responsible for:
Designing and carrying out “what-if” analyses and simulations to understand how different strategies would perform (FFO, PRO3, ANVUR indicators, etc.).
Developing indicators for allocating resources to different groups and maintaining the university’s performance.
Coordinating the three-year planning process (Law no. 43/2005).
Ensuring dashboards are implemented to support the decisions of the governing bodies, as well as preparing standard and final reports (Service Desk) on teaching, research and administration.
Analysing data from various internal and external databases in terms of uniformity and coherency before they are shared or published.
Compiling MIUR statistics on student population, student fees, equal access to education and staff.