Head office Institutional Affairs

Elisa Silvestri
Via dell'Artigliere, 8 - 37129 Verona


We draft the university’s visibility policies, institutional practices and risk management policies

We create and implement the university’s communication strategies, manage the administrative support for academic bodies, assess risk areas and design prevention and mitigation measures for the risks identified.
Our office designs and organises communication strategies to promote the university’s image both offline and online, including through social media. On an operative level, we have a communication plan that includes media relations, digital strategies, web design and content management, and organise events to highlight the university’s teaching and research. These events are designed to involve the academic community, local organisations and internal stakeholders (students, professors, and technical and administrative staff).
We oversee processes and procedures to manage the university’s management bodies, from planning meetings and drafting minutes to communicating meeting outcomes.
We map the risks that may involve the university in different ways (e.g. health and safety in places of work and study, the treatment and protection of personal data, adherence of the law and the fight against corruption, reputational risk, etc.) and supervise the resulting preventative measures, applying industry standards.

Our office carries out the following functions:

  • Communication
  • General and institutional affairs
  • Risk prevention and transparency
  • Prevention and protection services
  • Legal office 

Info and Contacts

Segreteria di Direzione
E-mail:  carla|grassi*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045 8028498

Director's Operational units

Segreteria di Direzione

Area of responsibility

General and University Affairs Group
Our group manages statutory and regulatory obligations, oversees general and university affairs; supports the management of the university offices and presides over the functions of the official officer.

Risk Prevention and Transparency Group
Our group overseas activities concerned with the transparency of administrative actions and risk management, primarily with regard to legal and security issues in data processing and privacy. We also prepare documents relating to the organisational performance cycle. Our duties include:
  • Providing support to the Head of the Corruption Prevention and Transparency (RPCT) and the university structures for risk analysis and the subsequent reengineering phases, as well as monitoring for corruption prevention, transparency and the security of processed data.
  • Fulfilling the requirements related to corruption prevention and transparency policies, including preparing planning and reporting documents for these activities.
  • Monitoring compliance with the necessity to publish online pursuant to the rules on administrative transparency.
  • Coordinating and supporting the Data Protection Officer (DPO) and university structures in fulfilling the requirements regarding the protection and security of personal and sensitive data.
  • Managing requirements related to requests for access to documents and civic data.
  • Managing requirements concerning the organisational performance cycle, including preparing planning and reporting documents for these activities.

Convenzioni, Centri e Partecipate

L’Area segue l’attività istruttoria di convenzioni e contratti stipulati a livello d’Ateneo, supportando le strutture con autonomia di gestione, in particolare i Centri di ricerca e servizio, nella stesura degli atti a valenza esterna, promuovendo anche buone pratiche per una maggior tempestività istruttoria e lo snellimento dei processi amministrativi. Cura inoltre la costituzione o adesione dell’Ateneo a soggetti giuridici (enti, società, consorzi) partecipati o controllati dall’Università e ne monitora l’andamento gestionale.
In particolare, le attività relative a convenzioni e centri sono:

  • gestire le verifiche preliminari e la redazione di accordi, contratti, convenzioni sottoscritti a livello d’Ateneo;
  • supportare le strutture con autonomia di gestione (Dipartimenti, Centri e Scuole) nella stesura di accordi, contratti, convenzioni e altri atti a valenza esterna adottati a livello di struttura;
  • coordinare i gruppi di lavoro, costituiti all’interno della Direzione e/o con uffici di altre Direzioni, nell’esame di atti contrattuali / amministrativi a valenza esterna coinvolgenti pluralità d’ambiti di competenza;
  • supportare, in particolare, i Centri di ricerca e servizio d’Ateneo nell’adozione e mantenimento di buone pratiche gestionali, volte a migliorare costantemente i livelli di efficienza, efficacia e tempestività nella tenuta amministrava di tali strutture.

Per quanto riguarda i soggetti partecipati dall'Ateneo, le relative attività attengono:

  • al supporto della Governance nelle attività preliminari alla costituzione o adesione ad enti, società o consorzi partecipati o controllati dall’Università;
  • alla gestione degli adempimenti connessi a costituzione, adesione, chiusura o uscita dell’Ateneo da soggetti partecipati o controllati;
  • alla cura dei processi di razionalizzazione delle società ed enti partecipati, in conformità alla normativa vigente e supporta il Responsabile della Prevenzione della Corruzione e della Trasparenza nelle funzioni di controllo sui soggetti partecipati o controllati.

Services Managed by:  Head office Institutional Affairs

where to find us

The contents of this page are the responsibility of the structure: Head office Institutional Affairs.
For any explanations, contact: Elisa Silvestri

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Via dell'Artigliere 8, 37129 Verona  |  VAT number IT01541040232  |  Italian Fiscal Code 93009870234