Available documentation

Limited-entry degree programmes – Admissions

FAQ concorsi di ammissione

1. What is a Call for applications for Limited-entry degree programmes?
2. How can I register for an admission test?
3. How can I enrol in a limited-entry degree programme which requires applicants to pass a TOLC test?
4. How can I pay the registration fee for the admission test, or the first instalment of my tuition fees via PagoPA?
5. What should I do after taking and passing the TOLC test?
6. Is it possible to view admission tests from previous years?  
7. I have taken the admission test. Where can I find the ‘graduatoria’ (list of students eligible for admission)?
8. I have taken and passed the TOLC test and now I have to register for the admission test. Should I pay a registration fee?
9. I have taken and passed the TOLC test and I have registered for the admission test on ESSE3. Should I enter my TOLC test score while taking the admission test at the University of Verona?
10. I have passed the admission test but I am not among the admitted applicants: what can I do to enrol in my chosen degree programme?
11. Do admission tests at other universities take place on the same day?
12. Can I register for more than one admission test?
13. Posso richiedere le misure compensative e dispensative in occasione dei test d'ingresso?
14. When will my admission test take place?
15. How many available places are there for limited-entry degree programmes?
16. I am already registered on the ESSE3 portal. How can I register for the admission test?
17. I have passed the admission test for my chosen degree programme: by which deadline should I enrol?
18. What are ‘Saperi minimi’ and OFA credits (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi)?
19. Do I need to register for the ‘Saperi minimi’ test?

1. What is a Call for applications for Limited-entry degree programmes?

A Call for applications (‘Bando di ammissione’ in Italian) is a notice which is normally published at least 60 days before the date of the admission test, containing the following information: number of available places, entry requirements, deadlines for registration for the admission test, and for enrolment, procedures of the admission test, evaluation criteria for drawing up the list of students eligible for admission, and procedures for the allocation of available places. The Call also contains: the procedure to follow in order to submit the application form, to transfer from another University, or to change degree programme, and procedures for admission to degree programmes from the second year onwards.

2. How can I register for an admission test?

To register for the admission test of your chosen degree programme, you must first log into the ESS3 Portal and, if this is your first access, register (see registration procedure). Then click on: “Segreteria > Concorso di ammissione > Iscrizioni concorsi > Corsi di laurea/Corsi di laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico/Corsi di laurea Magistrale > Concorso di ammissione ai corsi di laurea dell’area prescelta” and complete the registration by filling out the required fields. Once the registration is complete, the system will provide you with the PagoPA payment notice that you will have to use in order to pay the registration fee. You will be able to either pay online (by clicking on “Paga con PagoPA”), or in person, by printing out the payment notice, which you will need to bring with you to the payment point (e.g. Post office, Bank, etc.).

3. How can I enrol in a limited-entry degree programme which requires applicants to pass a TOLC test?

Please go to: Ammissione ai corsi ad accesso programmato

4. How can I pay the registration fee for the admission test, or the first instalment of my tuition fees via PagoPA?

Please find all the information about payment procedures via PagoPA here.

5. What should I do after taking and passing the TOLC test?

If you have passed the TOLC test you should, following the instructions set out in the Call for applications to be found under the section ‘How to enrol’ of your chosen degree programme, register for the admission test on ESSE3 portal and submit the relevant application; then download and print out the registration receipt, which contains your temporary Student ID: this is necessary to check your position on the list of students eligible for admission.

6. Is it possible to view admission tests from previous years?  

This is possible for most of the tests, which are published on our website at www.univr.it/testprecedenti. However, tests from previous years of Primary Education Sciences and tests for admission to Master’s degrees for the Health Professions are not available to users. 

7. I have taken the admission test. Where can I find the ‘graduatoria’ (list of students eligible for admission)?

Further information about admission procedures are to be found on the web page of the degree programme you’re applying for, under the section ‘How to enrol’.

8. I have taken and passed the TOLC test and now I have to register for the admission test. Should I pay a registration fee?

Please follow the steps below: 1) check the entry requirements set out in the Call for applications to be found under the section ‘How to enrol’ of your chosen degree programme; 2) complete and submit the registration application on ESSE3 portal. 3) download and print out the registration receipt, which contains your temporary Student ID: this is necessary to check your position on the list of students eligible for admission. There are no additional fees for taking part in the selection, apart from the fee to be paid for taking the TOLC test.

9. I have taken and passed the TOLC test and I have registered for the admission test on ESSE3. Should I enter my TOLC test score while taking the admission test at the University of Verona?

You are not required to inform the University of your TOLC test score. This can be found in your personal area on the website of CISIA. Once the selection procedures are complete, the University of Verona will ask the CISIA to provide the score of each candidate’s TOLC test score.

10. I have passed the admission test but I am not among the admitted applicants: what can I do to enrol in my chosen degree programme?

Please check the web page of your chosen degree programme (see section ‘How to enrol’) regularly to see if there are places available due to withdrawing students.

11. Do admission tests at other universities take place on the same day?

Only for limited-entry degree programmes in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, Health Professions, and Primary Education Sciences, admission tests for each programme are held on the same day in all Italian universities, according to the calendar established each year by the Ministry of University and Research through a special Ministerial Decree.

12. Can I register for more than one admission test?

Yes, it is possible to register for more than one admission test if you wish.

13. Posso richiedere le misure compensative e dispensative in occasione dei test d'ingresso?

Sì, se sei uno studente con disabilità, comprovata da apposita documentazione rilasciata dalle commissioni mediche ai sensi della L. 295/1990 e/o della L. 104/1992; oppure se hai un disturbo specifico dell'apprendimento (DSA), in possesso di relativa diagnosi effettuata dal Servizio Sanitario Nazionale oppure da specialisti o strutture accreditate ai sensi della L. 170/2010.

14. When will my admission test take place?

To find out the date of your admission test, you must check the relevant notice on the web page of your chosen degree programme, in the section ‘How to enrol’.

15. How many available places are there for limited-entry degree programmes?

The number of available places for each degree programme is set either by the Teaching Committee (for degrees requiring applicants to pass an admission test at the University of Verona), or by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (for degrees requiring applicants to pass a national admission test). Please see the degree programme web page or the relevant Call for applications for further information.

16. I am already registered on the ESSE3 portal. How can I register for the admission test?

If you already have your username and password, you can log into ESS3 and click on: “Segreteria > Concorso di ammissione > Iscrizioni concorsi > Corsi di laurea/Corsi di laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico/Corsi di laurea Magistrale > Concorso di ammissione ai corsi di laurea dell’area prescelta” and complete the registration by filling out the required fields. Once the registration is complete, the system will provide you with the PagoPA payment notice that you will have to use in order to pay the registration fee. You will be able to either pay online (by clicking on “Paga con PagoPA”), or in person, by printing out the payment notice, which you will need to bring with you to the payment point (e.g. Post office, Bank, etc.). On ESSE3 you can also download and print out the registration receipt, which contains your temporary Student ID: this is necessary to check your position on the list of students eligible for admission.

17. I have passed the admission test for my chosen degree programme: by which deadline should I enrol?

You should enrol by the enrolment deadline specified in the Call for applications, or in the notice regarding the update of the list of students eligible for admission, in case any further places become available due to withdrawing students.

18. What are ‘Saperi minimi’ and OFA credits (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi)?

By ‘Saperi minimi’ and OFA credits we mean the personal preparation required to enrol in a specific degree programme. Such preparation may be assessed at the time of the admission tests (for limited-entry degree programmes) or separately, through individual tests to be taken during the first year. Failing the Saperi minimi test will not prevent you from registering at the University. However, you will be soon informed by the University about the number of credits (OFA credits, Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi) that you will need to regain by passing the test by the end of the first year, or you will not be allowed to enrol in the second year. Further information can be found on the web page of each degree programme.

19. Do I need to register for the ‘Saperi minimi’ test?

No. If you’re applying for a limited-entry degree programme, your personal preparation will be assessed at the time of the admission tests. You will pass the test if you score more than a certain number of points, depending on each programme, as set out in the relevant Call for applications. For ‘Open’ degree programmes, the information about ‘Saperi minimi’ test is normally made available on the web page of each degree programme.

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