Available documentation

Opportunities abroad for students and staff

FAQ - International

1. (Erasmus) What is the Erasmus programme?
2. (Erasmus) Where can I get information about studying abroad?
3. (Erasmus) How do I apply for an Erasmus mobility scholarship?
4. (Erasmus) Apart from Erasmus, are there other programmes for studying abroad?
5. (Erasmus) Will exams that I take abroad be recognised? How does the system work?
6. (Erasmus) How can I find accommodation in a city I don't know?

1. (Erasmus) What is the Erasmus programme?

The Erasmus programme is an international mobility programme which allows regularly enrolled students to spend a period of study (2 to 12 months) at a European university. As part of the programme, students will be able to attend courses and the relevant university facilities, as well as doing an internship or working on their dissertation, and have their exams and credits recognised at their university.

2. (Erasmus) Where can I get information about studying abroad?

For further information please contact the International Office, Chiostro S. Francesco (cloister), via San Francesco 22, Verona. Opening hours for the public: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 12.45 noon (temporarily closed due to Covid-19 pandemic) Telephone: +39 045/8028596 – +39 045/8028440 - +39 045/8028043 – +39 045/8028530 or via Service Desk: Mobilità internazionale > Erasmus+ Studio
For further information please contact the International Office, Chiostro S. Francesco (cloister), via San Francesco 22, Verona. Opening hours for the public: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 12.45 noon (temporarily closed due to Covid-19 pandemic) Telephone: +39 045/8028596 – +39 045/8028440 - +39 045/8028043 – +39 045/8028530 or via Service Desk: Mobilità internazionale > Erasmus+ Studio

3. (Erasmus) How do I apply for an Erasmus mobility scholarship?

The Call for applications for Erasmus+ mobility grants is normally published between January and February each year. Applicants must submit their application by the relevant deadline together with the required documentation. The lists of the eligible and successful applicants (graduatorie) are drawn up based on merit and possibly on additional criteria depending on each degree programme, as determined by the relevant Selection Committee.

4. (Erasmus) Apart from Erasmus, are there other programmes for studying abroad?

Yes. Other opportunities for international student mobility include Worldwide Study (which enables students to receive an international mobility grant to spend a period of study in one of the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, South Korea, Japan, Mexico, Russia, the United States of America, and Taiwan), Erasmus+ for Traineeship, for internships at companies all over Europe, and Short Term Mobility for short international mobilities (5-30 days).
Yes. Other opportunities for international student mobility include Worldwide Study (which enables students to receive an international mobility grant to spend a period of study in one of the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, South Korea, Japan, Mexico, Russia, the United States of America, and Taiwan), Erasmus+ for Traineeship, for internships at companies all over Europe, and Short Term Mobility for short international mobilities (5-30 days).

5. (Erasmus) Will exams that I take abroad be recognised? How does the system work?

Yes, your exams taken abroad will be recognised by the University of Verona, provided that you follow the procedures in place for each degree programme and complete the relevant forms correctly.
Yes, your exams taken abroad will be recognised by the University of Verona, provided that you follow the procedures in place for each degree programme and complete the relevant forms correctly.

6. (Erasmus) How can I find accommodation in a city I don't know?

Many universities provide accommodation options specifically for Erasmus students in student residences or on campus. On the website of the relevant Institution you should find the necessary documentation to submit, by a specific deadline, to apply for accommodation. Such a service may not be available in other Institutions, which means it is up to you to find your own accommodation: if that's the case, it may be worth getting in touch with former Erasmus students to get some tips and advice.
Many universities provide accommodation options specifically for Erasmus students in student residences or on campus. On the website of the relevant Institution you should find the necessary documentation to submit, by a specific deadline, to apply for accommodation. Such a service may not be available in other Institutions, which means it is up to you to find your own accommodation: if that's the case, it may be worth getting in touch with former Erasmus students to get some tips and advice.

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