Available documentation

International programmes

MoCoSvi 2023 Call - Mobility projects for Development Cooperation

The University of Verona wishes to extend invitations to young researchers, university lecturers and scientists from institutions located in developing Countries, to spend a period of not less than one month up to three months in Verona in order to give lectures and/or carry out research with a Department. Mobility projects for teaching and/or research purposes should be related to development cooperation, with the aim of improving sustainability as described by the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda, such as reducing inequalities.
The Call is organized in 3 actions, including outgoing mobilities for UNIVR staff:
- Type A: Visiting Researcher/Professor (incoming mobility)
- Type B: UNIVR Professors and Researchers (outgoing mobility)
- Type C: UNIVR Post-Docs (outgoing mobility)
- Type C: Students of Advances Specialization Courses (outgoing mobility)
No document available.

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