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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ – Student fees (taxes, university fees and benefits)

1. (information) Who should I contact for further information?
2. (benefits) What financial benefits can I apply for?
3. (benefits) What is an ISEE for University statement?
4. (benefits) How can I obtain an ISEE for University statement?
5. (benefits) Do I really have to inform the University about the financial situation of my family at the time of enrolment?
6. (benefits) What if two or more students belong to the same family unit?
7. (student fees) Why is there a negative amount in my online payment section in ESSE3?
8. (student fees) How will the reimbursement be paid?
9. (student fees) When will I receive the payment?
10. (student fees) How do I pay my student fees?
11. (student fees) What does ‘student fees reduction’ mean?
12. (student fees) Is there any financial support towards the cost of tuition fees for people with disabilities?
13. (contributi studenteschi) È prevista un’esenzione dalla contribuzione studentesca per gli studenti con handicap o con disabilità ai sensi della l. 104/92 che si iscrivono ai corsi singoli?
14. (student fees) How can I request financial support for people with disabilities?
15. I’m graduating during the extra graduation session (March/April): should I pay the first instalment of student fees for the new academic year?
16. What if I don’t manage to graduate by March/April? Should I pay the late fee together with the first instalment of student fees for the new academic year?
17. (benefits for students) What does ‘benefits based on merit’ mean?
18. (benefits for students) Are there different types of ‘benefits based on merit’?
19. (incentivi) Quali sono le regole di applicazione dell’incentivo del “supermerito”?
20. (incentivi) È previsto un incentivo per i laureati nei termini in Medicina e chirurgia che si iscrivono ad una scuola di specializzazione dell’area sanitaria?
21. (checks) Will the University check that the applicants’ declarations are true?
22. (sanctions) What if a declaration is found to contain untruthful information?
23. (miscellaneous) What is a DUB and what is it for?
24. (miscellaneous) When should I submit my ‘Benefits Application Form’ or DUB?
25. (varie) È prevista la presentazione tardiva della domanda di riduzione della contribuzione studentesca?
26. (varie) È previsto il rimborso della tassa regionale e dei contributi versati in caso di rinuncia agli studi?
27. (varie) Cosa avviene in caso di rinuncia alla prosecuzione degli studi?
28. (miscellaneous) Where can I find further information?

1. (information) Who should I contact for further information?

If you’re not yet enrolled please contact the University Scholarships and Grants Office of the University of Verona, Via Via San Francesco, 22. Phone: +39 045 8028001; https://www.univr.it/benefici FOR ENROLLED STUDENTS ONLY: If you’re already enrolled at the University of Verona please use the online ‘Service Desk’, which is the only way to obtain information on scholarships and grants. To use the service go to https://www.univr.it/servicedesk and log in using your username and password.

2. (benefits) What financial benefits can I apply for?

You might be eligible to apply for the following benefits: - university scholarships and grants; - student fees reduction based on the following: financial situation of the applicant’s family unit (determined based on the ISEE for University statement); type of degree programme; number of CFU gained; student status (normal duration, or enrolled beyond the normal duration of the degree programme); - benefits based on merit.

3. (benefits) What is an ISEE for University statement?

The ISEE for University statement – a document that you must submit in order to apply for university benefits – is specifically mentioned in Art. 8 of Prime Ministerial Decree no. 159 of 5/12/13. For the purpose of determining the student’s ISEE for University statement, if the student does not live with their parents, the student is still considered a member of their parents’ family unit – in this case income and assets of all household members will be taken into account - unless both of the following conditions are true: a) the student has been living away from their parents’ home, in accommodation not owned by a family member,for at least two years before applying to enrol for the first time in their degree programme; and b) the student has had an employee or tax-declared income of at least €6,500 per year, declared under a family unit of one person, for at least the past two years.

4. (benefits) How can I obtain an ISEE for University statement?

To request an ISEE for University statement, students must complete a Substitutive Declaration (DSU) – which contains information about their family unit and each family member’s income and assets – directly at the “online services” section of the INPS website (www.inps.it) or with the help of a Tax Assistance Centre (CAF) or qualified professional. Students will be provided with the ISEE for University statement by the CAF or by the INPS. Students who do NOT reside in Italy and students residing in Italy who are NOT independent and whose family unit resides abroad should request an ISEE Equivalent statement (“Indicatore Parificato Universitario”or “ISEE PARIFICATO”). To obtain the ISEE Equivalent statement, students need to make an appointment at one of the following Tax Assistance Centres (CAF): ACLI, CGIL, CISL, UIL.

5. (benefits) Do I really have to inform the University about the financial situation of my family at the time of enrolment?

No. However, if you intend to apply for student fees reduction or scholarship, you will need to submit a Benefits Application Form (DUB) using the ESSE3 online services. (benefits) What if two or more students belong to the same family unit?

6. (benefits) What if two or more students belong to the same family unit?

If two (or more) students belong to the same family unit, to obtain a student fees reduction, the ISEE statement must include the following text: “si applica alle PRESTAZIONI AGEVOLATE PER IL DIRITTO ALLO STUDIO UNIVERSITARIO” [“for the purpose of university bursaries”] followed by the students’ respective tax codes (codici fiscali).

7. (student fees) Why is there a negative amount in my online payment section in ESSE3?

If the online payment section of your student’s personal area on ESSE3 shows a negative amount, it means that you are entitled to a reimbursement. Please note: the “date of payment” is not the date when the payment will be made, but the date when the reimbursement procedure will start. If you have entered in the ESSE3 system your personal details (see next FAQ below), you will receive the payment in about two months’ time.

8. (student fees) How will the reimbursement be paid?

In order to be reimbursed (in case of student fees reductions or incentives and exemptions for students), students must enter in the ESSE3 system the details of a bank account for which they are holders or co-holders (no bank accounts of third parties will be accepted). Please go to: https://univr.esse3.cineca.it/Start.do and log in using your username and password, then click on home – anagrafica and select dati rimborso (reimbursement details). Then click on modifica dati di rimborso (modify reimbursement details) and enter the required information following the instructions.

9. (student fees) When will I receive the payment?

Reimbursements (i.e. benefits based on ISEE or merit, as well as incentives, prizes, exemptions, etc.) are normally paid towards the end of July each year.

10. (student fees) How do I pay my student fees?

In order to pay your student fees (first, second and third instalments) you have to log into your student’s personal area on ESSE3 and print the payment form, on which you will find the relevant payment deadline and methods.

11. (student fees) What does ‘student fees reduction’ mean?

This means that students can apply for reduced student fees – specifically, on the second and third instalments of their student fees, and the regional tax – if they meet specific requirements according to the following criteria:

- financial situation of the applicant’s family unit (determined based on the ISEE for University statement);
- type of degree programme;
- number of CFU gained;
- student status (normal duration, or enrolled beyond the normal duration of the degree programme).

12. (student fees) Is there any financial support towards the cost of tuition fees for people with disabilities?

Yes, students with proven disabilities pursuant to Art. 3(1;3) of Law no. 104/1992, or with a disability rating equal to or greater than 66% are exempt from paying student fees. Students with a disability rating between 50% and 65% can benefit from a partial exemption: they will pay a maximum of €200 per year in tuition fees. Moreover, they will have the opportunity to have their tuition fees further reduced by submitting a specific application based on their ISEE for University statement. Further information can be found on the Student fees webpage.

13. (contributi studenteschi) È prevista un’esenzione dalla contribuzione studentesca per gli studenti con handicap o con disabilità ai sensi della l. 104/92 che si iscrivono ai corsi singoli?

Sì, è prevista l’esenzione totale per gli studenti con handicap ≥ 66% o con disabilità ai sensi della L. 104/92 e l’esenzione al 50% per gli studenti con invalidità compresa tra il 50% e il 65%.

14. (student fees) How can I request financial support for people with disabilities?

Students with disabilities wishing to request financial support towards the cost of their tuition fees must provide the Inclusion and Accessibility Service with the following documents: a copy of the certificate of invalidity released by healthcare authorities or other approved body, stating the disability rating; a copy of a valid identity document, tax ID number and IBAN. The deadlines for submitting the relevant documents are set out in the annex of the Regulation on student fees, available on the Student fees webpage.

15. I’m graduating during the extra graduation session (March/April): should I pay the first instalment of student fees for the new academic year?

No. If you believe you will graduate by March/April, you will not need to renew your enrolment and pay the first instalment of student fees (unless you’re graduating before the legal duration of your degree programme). Should you have any doubts, please contact the Teaching and Student Services Unit of your area.

16. What if I don’t manage to graduate by March/April? Should I pay the late fee together with the first instalment of student fees for the new academic year?

No. If you are unable to graduate by March/April, you will only have to pay the first instalment of student fees for the new academic year, which will be after the payment deadline by then. No late fees will be charged if you renew your enrolment for the new academic year once you have submitted your application and then failed to graduate.

17. (benefits for students) What does ‘benefits based on merit’ mean?

These benefits are applied automatically, without any request by the student, and are awarded in the form of reductions/reimbursement once the University administration has verified that the student actually meets the relevant requirements.

18. (benefits for students) Are there different types of ‘benefits based on merit’?

Yes. ‘Benefits based on merit’ are available for: 1) first-year students (both Italian and foreign) enrolling at the University of Verona who complete secondary school in the same year with a final school mark of 100/100. 2) students who graduate within the normal duration of their degree programme and then enrol in the immediately following academic year in a Professional master’s programme at the University of Verona, or a Postgraduate specialisation.

19. (incentivi) Quali sono le regole di applicazione dell’incentivo del “supermerito”?

Alle/agli studentesse/i che abbiano conseguito nei dodici mesi antecedenti la data del 10 agosto, almeno 40 CFU rientranti nel proprio piano di studi, per ciascun anno di iscrizione per la medesima carriera, viene corrisposto un incentivo di € 230,00 (c.d. “supermerito”), applicato sotto forma di sconto, fino a concorrenza dei contributi dovuti. Le eventuali modifiche al piano di studi effettuate successivamente comportano la revisione dei requisiti richiesti per l’incentivo già liquidato. Non rientrano nel piano di studi gli esami sovrannumerari (come specificato nell’allegato parte integrante del Regolamento).
Per il conteggio degli anni di iscrizione si contano il numero di anni di iscrizione (con esclusione degli anni di sospensione/ricognizione) e vengono conteggiate anche le iscrizioni da trasferimento in ingresso, mentre in caso di immatricolazione a seguito di riconoscimento carriera pregressa (rinuncia/decadenza/altro titolo/ecc.) gli anni di iscrizione della precedente carriera non vengono conteggiati.
Per il conteggio dei CFU vengono conteggiati tutti gli esami con data verbalizzazione (= data superamento) ricompresa nei “dodici mesi precedenti” il 10/08/2021. Contano anche i CFU di esami conseguiti in Erasmus, di esami svolti fuori dall’ateneo, se riconosciuti.
Non vengono considerati: i CFU da esami/attività sovrannumerari, gli esami che non sono stati sostenuti nella loro interezza (non si considerano gli esami parziali) e i CFU degli esami riconosciuti da precedente carriera a cui si è rinunciato/decaduto/conseguito titolo, ecc.
L’applicazione dell’inventivo viene fatta d’ufficio, senza alcuna richiesta specifica da parte dello studente e lo sconto viene avviene sulla seconda o terza rata universitaria, se dovuta.

20. (incentivi) È previsto un incentivo per i laureati nei termini in Medicina e chirurgia che si iscrivono ad una scuola di specializzazione dell’area sanitaria?

Sì, alle/Ai laureate/i entro la durata normale dei corsi di laurea abilitante e non abilitante a ciclo unico di Medicina e Chirurgia, anche presso altro ateneo, che si iscrivono ad una scuola di specializzazione di area sanitaria dell’ateneo di Verona nello stesso anno accademico o in quello immediatamente successivo, partecipando al primo concorso utile, è corrisposto un incentivo di merito di € 500,00, applicato sotto forma di sconto, fino a concorrenza dei contributi dovuti.
L’incentivo di merito di € 500,00 è altresì applicato alle/ai laureate/i, anche presso altro ateneo, che abbiano conseguito entro la durata normale la laurea richiesta dal bando di concorso che si iscrivono nello stesso anno accademico o in quello immediatamente successivo ad una scuola di specializzazione di area sanitaria dell’ateneo di Verona con accesso riservato ai non medici.

21. (checks) Will the University check that the applicants’ declarations are true?


Yes. The University normally performs checks and verifications on the truthfulness of students’ self-declarations when they apply for scholarships/grants. Through a memorandum of understanding, the University also sends students’ self-declarations of financial position to be further investigated by the Provincial Command of the Italian Finance Police (Guardia di Finanza) in Verona. These procedures are carried out in accordance with the Regulations for implementing checks on applications for university bursaries.

22. (sanctions) What if a declaration is found to contain untruthful information?


Following appropriate administrative and financial checks, if a declaration that was submitted is found to contain untruthful information, any benefits awarded will be revoked and sanctions will be applied. National laws on this matter are applicable, especially Art.s 75 and 76 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and Legislative Decree no. 68/2012, which states: “Whoever [...] submits false statements [...] is subject to administrative penalties consisting of the payment of three times the amount made, or the value of services accessed incorrectly, and loses the right to receive other funds for duration of their course of studies, subject in all cases to the application of the penalties provided for in Art. 38(3) of Decree Law no. 78 of 31/05/2010, converted with amendments by Law n.122 of 30/07/2010, as well as the criminal laws for the acts that constituted the offence.”

23. (miscellaneous) What is a DUB and what is it for?


The ‘Benefits Application Form’ or DUB (‘Domanda Unica Benefici’ in Italian) is a declaration form which students complete and sign in order to apply for student benefits. Students must complete the DUB online by logging into their personal account in ESSE3 – SEGRETERIA (https://univr.esse3.cineca.it/Start.do). Only one DUB should be completed, also when applying for several benefits (scholarships, student fees reduction, part-time student collaborations). Once the DUB has been confirmed by the student, he/she cannot change it anymore: students are therefore advised to be careful when completing the form, and follow the instructions set out in the Call for applications.

24. (miscellaneous) When should I submit my ‘Benefits Application Form’ or DUB?


In order to apply for the benefits for students provided by the University of Verona, students must submit their ‘Benefits Application Form’ or DUB by the terms set out in the Calls for applications, which are normally published in July each year on the University’s website at: www.univr.it/benefici

25. (varie) È prevista la presentazione tardiva della domanda di riduzione della contribuzione studentesca?

Sì, ma solo limitatamente agli immatricolati ai Corsi di Studio a ciclo unico a programmazione nazionale, entro 30 giorni dalla data di immatricolazione.

26. (varie) È previsto il rimborso della tassa regionale e dei contributi versati in caso di rinuncia agli studi?

Non è previsto il rimborso della tassa regionale salvo in caso di doppio pagamento e non è previsto alcun rimborso degli importi versati (in prima, seconda e/o terza rata).

27. (varie) Cosa avviene in caso di rinuncia alla prosecuzione degli studi?

La contribuzione è dovuta della/o studentessa/e per l’intero anno accademico per cui risulta iscritta/o.
Una/o studentessa/e può, in qualsiasi momento, rinunciare alla prosecuzione degli studi presentando apposita domanda, irrevocabile e incondizionata. Alla/o studentessa/e, che rinunci alla prosecuzione degli studi, sono precluse qualsiasi attività accademica e la fruizione dei servizi didattici e amministrativi, fatte salve le certificazioni. Con la rinuncia alla prosecuzione degli studi cessano, nei confronti dell’Università, gli obblighi contributivi con scadenza temporalmente successiva alla formalizzazione della rinuncia. A seguito di detta rinuncia, la/o studentessa/e non ha diritto alla restituzione delle tasse e dei contributi già corrisposti, mentre permangono gli obblighi di versamento delle rate maturate (scadute) prima della formalizzazione della rinuncia, nonché gli obblighi economici aventi natura sanzionatoria e quelli inerenti alla revoca di provvidenze economiche già erogate.
In nessun caso la mera omissione del pagamento della contribuzione equivale a rinuncia implicita agli studi.

28. (miscellaneous) Where can I find further information?


Further information - such as deadlines for university instalments of fees and contributions (if due), deadlines and methods for receiving payments and reimbursement of scholarships - are available in the relevant regulations, Calls for applications or public notices, posters, notices on information boards, or the Intranet. You can also access further information through the official ‘UNIVR’ app, which can be downloaded from Google Play, Apple Store and Windows Store. Thanks to this app, you’ll have all University’s services at your fingertips, 24/7.

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