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Living in Verona

Need some tips for spending your time in the city of Verona?
Here you are!
Titolo Descrizione Formato (Lingua, Dimensione, Data pubblicazione) o URL
Verona Tourist Information The official Verona's Tourism portal.  Vai al sito (apre una nuova finestra)
Visit Verona The Tourist Office of Verona is located in the city center, on the main floor of the Town Hall, next to the Arena and a few minutes away from the imposing Palazzo della Gran Guardia. The operators with courtesy and dedication are available to inform users about the beautiful Verona and its surroundings, the artistic beauties, but also about ways of transport, guided tours and activities outside the classic routes, all in a dynamic land. The office is open all year round.  Vai al sito (apre una nuova finestra)
Rent a bike Verona Bike is the bike-sharing service of the city of Verona, a real means of public transport on two wheels,to be used for short journeys.
Easy, practical and ecological, it helps to improve the quality of the environment and your physical well-being.  
Vai al sito (apre una nuova finestra)
Bus Verona Bus service in Verona.  Vai al sito (apre una nuova finestra)

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