Available documentation

Erasmus+ Traineeship

Erasmus+ Study Mobility for Traineeships

Are you thinking about doing an internship or traineeship abroad? The “Erasmus+ for traineeship"" programme provides students with the opportunity to undertake traineeships in companies, schools of all levels, and research and training institutes, provided these are based in one of the countries participating in the programme.
Title Description Format (Language, Size, Publication date) or URL
Erasmus+ Student Charter   pdf pdf (it, 491 KB, 3/8/22)
pdf pdf (en, 476 KB, 3/8/22)
Erasmus+ Traineeship Withdrawal form   docx docx (it, 13 KB, 10/5/23)
docx docx (it, 13 KB, 10/5/23)
Erasmus+ Traineeship extension form   pdf pdf (it, 204 KB, 5/17/24)
List of affiliated bodies (by the Internship and Work Placement Office)   xlsx xlsx (it, 85 KB, 4/5/24)

Tirocini Incoming - Linee Guida per docenti

Title Description Format (Language, Size, Publication date) or URL
Tirocini Incoming - Linee Guida per i docenti Linee Guida per i docenti che ospitano un tirocinante in mobilità internazionale  pdf pdf (it, 407 KB, 2/8/23)
Tirocini Incoming - Modello Learning Agreement Modello di "Learning Agreement for Traineeship" per studenti incoming che svolgono un tirocinio Erasmus presso l'Università di Verona  docx docx (it, 81 KB, 10/22/19)

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