Available documentation

Inclusion and Accessibility: support for students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorder (SLD)/learning disabilities

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Title Description Format (Language, Size, Publication date) or URL
Attività fisiche adattate e inclusive Pagina web dedicata alle attività motorie e sportive, svolte presso le strutture universitarie, rivolte a persone con disabilità.   Go to the site
Committee for Equal Opportunities, Employee Wellbeing and Non-Discrimination at Work - CUG The CUG has advisory and monitoring functions, with the aim of promoting a culture of equality, improving employee wellbeing, and tackling discrimination. The CUG, which works in collaboration with the Confidential Counsellor, currently runs a Counselling service.  Go to the site
Consigliera di fiducia Il/La Consigliere/a è chiamata a prevenire, gestire e aiutare a risolvere i casi di mobbing, di molestie sessuali, di discriminazione e di disagio lavorativo che hanno luogo nell’ambiente di studio, ricerca e lavoro, portati alla sua attenzione.  Go to the site
Psychological support at ESU The assistance and psychological help service is a free support activity for the person in solving problems of various kinds, which is achieved through interviews with expert psychologists. The service is free.

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