‘G. Zanotto’ Library, Department of Law

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Costanza Curi
+39 045 8425331, +39 045 8425344, +39 045 8425339
biblioteca.zanotto@ateneo.univr.it; costanza.curi@univr.it ; luisella.zocca@univr.it; anna.zago@univr.it
Via Carlo Montanari, 9 - 37122 Verona

piano, sala di consultazione lunedì-giovedì: 9-18; venerdì: 9-13

piano, punto distribuzione prestiti lunedì-giovedì: 9-15; venerdì: 9-13 (per il ritiro dei volumi dopo le 15 dal lunedì al giovedì è possibile rivolgersi al 3. piano)

piano terra: BOX di autorestituzione lunedì-venerdì 8-19; sabato 8-13. 


It was founded in 1997 and since then has increased its contents considerably, something which has come about, in part, thanks to donations and legacies from companies and individuals. At the moment it has about 25,000 volumes and subscribes to 184 journals. This number is destined to increase due to ongoing significant bequests. The consultation room, on the 3rd floor, seats about 50 and here you can find collections of journals and works of a general nature (dictionaries, encyclopedias, digests, manuals). All the bibliographic material is catalogued with the Aleph application and can be found in the collective catalogue of the University libraries.
This library, has therefore become completely integrated into the Verona university library system, by means of the Juliet project, and is linked to the other legal sources of the city's cultural institutions: the Public Library, the Republic Attorney Library, the Bar Council Library, the College of Accountants Library, the Accademy of Agricultural Science and Arts Library, The Seminary Library, the Capitulary Library and the Mediovenezia Bank Library. In 2001 the Verona Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Craftsmanship and Agriculture stipulated a convention with the Faculty of Law-Department of Legal Studies placing its own bibliographic patrimony into the hands of the "G. Zanotto" library for cataloguing and management.
The material which was received (about 20,000 volumes) is now being catalogued and can be found in the S.S. Trinità rooms.
It may be consulted and/or borrowed only such material as has already been catalogued( available in the OPAC system. Loans can be arranged by booking in advance, which may be done in person or by telephone, with at least one day's notice (tel. 045/8028839-8331-8844)

Services Managed by:   ‘G. Zanotto’ Library, Department of Law


Anna Zago
E-mail:  anna|zago*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  +39 045 8425339

Luisella Zocca
E-mail:  luisella|zocca*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  +39 045 8425344

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