Head office Technical and logistics

Elena Nalesso
Elena Nalesso
Deputy Manager
Pier Giorgio Dal Dosso
Via Paradiso, 6 37129 Verona


We manage and develop the university’s entire building portfolio

Our office creates, maintains and supervises the physical structures of the university, helping to develop the buildings according to a multi-year plan.
The main responsibility of our office is to draw up the university’s multi-year building plan and ensure it is carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations. We also determine the priorities and time frames within the planning phases.
We have our own technical staff who work with contractors to make sure works are carried out in a satisfactory manner. We supervise the implementation and management of restructuring work and all the ordinary and extra maintenance of the university buildings, ensuring the relevant logistic and insurance requirements are met.
In consideration of the procurement regime, our office also plans and manages the entire flow of purchases of goods and services for the university. For this purpose, we interact with all the individual university structures and the relevant administration services. We also coordinate the relevant purchasing policies, striving for unambiguous policies and economies of scale.

Our office has four teams with technical and legal support staff who work with the Procurement Unit:
  • Buildings
  • Logistics
  • Maintenance
  • Purchasing

Info and Contacts

Reception Unit
E-mail:  gianandrea|delaini*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  0458425234

Administration and Library Purchasing Unit
E-mail:  acquisti|ab*ateneo|univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  +39 0458425237

Medicine and Surgery Purchasing Unit
E-mail:  acquisti|mc*ateneo|univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  0458027493

Science and Engineering Purchasing Unit
E-mail:  acquisti|si*ateneo|univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  +39 045 8027836

Humanities, Economics and Law Purchasing Unit
E-mail:  acquisti|sueg*ateneo|univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045 842 5244

Maintenance and Management Contracts Unit
E-mail:  riccardo|vesentini*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  0458425257

Work Contracts Unit
E-mail:  cristina|brandoli*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  0458425245

Procedure per i Servizi
E-mail:  fabrizio|deangelis*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045 8425239

Procedure per le Forniture
E-mail:  cristina|niglio*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  0458425220

Project Design Unit
E-mail:  emanuel|longo*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045 842 5252

Segreteria di Direzione Supporto Budget
E-mail:  manuela|benetollo*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  0458425243

Contracts for Supplies and Services Unit
E-mail:  nicolo|olivieri_01*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045 8425253

Director's staff

Valentina Chercheja
Administrative duties:  External collaborator

Federico Dagostin
Administrative duties:  External collaborator

Barbara Fonte
Administrative duties:  External collaborator

Emanuele Turra
Administrative duties:  External collaborator

Director's Operational units

Segreteria di Direzione Supporto Budget
  • coordina e monitora la rendicontazione dei capitoli di spesa della Direzione;
  • cura i rapporti con la Direzione Finanza e Amministrazione;
  • coordina la segreteria di direzione;
  • monitora e aggiorna i capitoli di spesa relativi a:

         - programmazione edilizia triennale ed il piano annuale ai lavori;
         - programmazione biennale delle forniture e dei servizi;
         - contratti attivi e passivi di competenza della Direzione;

  • provvede alla redazione quadrimestrale dei M.A.V. (tasse gare ANAC) in collaborazione con l’Area Gare;
  • redige ed emette gli ordini per i lavori, servizi e forniture (UGOV);
  • emette D.C.E. dei lavori, servizi e forniture e contabilizza le fatture.

Area of responsibility

Building Group
We oversee the development of the university’s building portfolio, from multi-year plans for works and running tenders for these works and services to supervising the executive phase and trialling and managing the projects. Our group also handles administrative support for the Mobility Plan, the Sustainability Commission and the Mobility Manager’s work.

Logistics Group
The Logistics group oversees many transversal functional services and ensures university buildings and the activities carried out within them are correctly managed. Specifically, we manage:
  •  Student insurance policies and accident reports.
  •  Carparking contracts and active rental contracts.
  •  Disbursement of company benefits (crèche, transport tickets and meal vouchers).

Maintenance Group
  •  Managing tenders for engineering and architecture services for ordinary and unordinary maintenance works and updating buildings to standard.
  •  Managing tenders for awarding contracts for ordinary and unordinary maintenance works, updating buildings to standard and services to manage installations and buildings.
  •  Drawing up the administrative documents for ordinary and unordinary maintenance works, updating buildings to standard and services to manage installations and buildings.
  •  Preparing contractual payments for works carried out and cost reports for ordinary and unordinary maintenance works, updating buildings to standard and services to manage installations and buildings.
  •  Handling the administrative procedures for contracts and entering compulsory information in the relevant databases.
  •  Managing contracts for ordinary and unordinary maintenance of installations and services for pest management, cleaning and disinfestation and the disposal of toxic and harmful waste;
  •  Managing the supply of electricity, natural gas, district heating, drinking water, and fixed telephone lines.

Purchasing Group
Our group supports the university departments and offices by providing timely and effective purchase management, from accounting to assisting with the negotiation process. Specifically, we oversee:
  • Research of potential suppliers, evaluating the possible supply methods and collecting offers from different suppliers.
  • Management of the purchase requests sent by various university units – combining the purchase requirements within the same order or contract whenever possible.
  • Expense planning process for the categories of purchases each unit is responsible for – by collecting, analysing and periodically reviewing purchase requirements.
  • Preparation of supply agreements and supply contracts to cover planned needs.
  • Purchase procedures for amounts over €40,000.
  • Purchase orders are entered into the system and data is transparent.
  • Drafting of administrative acts and the legal verification of financial elements.


L'AREA GARE presidia le procedure per l’affidamento di lavori, forniture e servizi di importo superiore ai 140.000 euro e l’inserimento delle procedure di gara telematiche sulle piattaforme certificate U-BUY / CONSIP / ME.P.A.:

  •  redige la programmazione triennale di forniture e servizi di importo pari e superiora a 140.000,00 in collaborazione con le Aree di Direzione e i C.d.R. di Ateneo;
  •  promuove sistemi telematici di acquisizione (lavori, forniture e servizi) di interesse trasversale dell’Ateneo;
  •  gestione dell’Anagrafica della Stazione Appaltante - AUSA (di competenza del R.A.S.A.); 
  •  trasparenza dei contratti pubblici e pubblicità degli atti di gara link ANAC https://pubblicitalegale.anticorruzione.it/;
  • aggiornamento normativo (Codice dei Contratti Pubblici e correlati).  

Services Managed by:  Head office Technical and logistics

where to find us

The contents of this page are the responsibility of the structure: Head office Technical and logistics.
For any explanations, contact: Elena Nalesso

© 2002 - 2024  Verona University
Via dell'Artigliere 8, 37129 Verona  |  VAT number IT01541040232  |  Italian Fiscal Code 93009870234