Head office Administration and Finance

Giuseppe Nifosi'
Via dell’Artigliere 19 - 37129 Verona


We manage the economic and financial planning process, ensuring adherence to the university’s strategic plan.

Our office helps the university’s governing bodies make decisions by providing them with the administrative and accounting data needed to manage the different centres of responsibility. As such, we prepare the operating budget, broken down by responsibility centre, and constantly monitor how it is used. We also prepare the annual financial statement.
Our office’s main responsibility is financial planning, including long-term planning. For this purpose, the budget is an essential tool and we are involved in aggregating all the items of expenditure and revenue coming from the centres of responsibility. We aim to ensure constant and widespread integration between the budgeting process and the accounting flows that lead to the preparation of our financial statements. The bookkeeping for autonomous academic structures is managed by dedicated teams.
Our office has its own dedicated staff who ensure the university’s administrative management complies with tax regulations.
Similarly, we have a team that coordinates and supervises the payment of all fees administered by the University, ensuring tax and social security regulations are adhered to.

Our office carries out the following functions:

University administration
Accounting for Science and Engineering
Accounting for Humanities
Accounting for Medicine and Surgery
Accounting for Economics and Law

Info and Contacts

Tax and Social Security Control Unit
E-mail:  uo|iva*ateneo|univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  0458028181

Administration Accounting Unit
E-mail:  francesca|marzolo*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  0458028436

Gestione Centri LURM
E-mail:  marisa|veronesi*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  +39 045 802 7449

Management of Accounting Information Systems and UGOV Massive Accounting Unit
E-mail:  michele|gottardi*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  0458028570

Financial Planning and General Accounting Unit
E-mail:  alessia|pamploni*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045 8028125

Non-employee Remuneration Unit
E-mail:  liala|mannino*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045 8028425

Employee Remuneration Unit
E-mail:  ufficio|stipendi*ateneo|univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045 8028425

Director's staff

Enrica Baroni
Administrative duties:  Technical-administrative staff
E-mail:  enrica|baroni*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  045 802 8564

Area of responsibility

Accounting Group for Economics and Law
Our group provides accounting services to support the departments, schools and independent centres of the Economics and Law area. We are specifically involved in taking care of:
  • Registration and settlement of passive invoices and general outgoing invoices, provided the orders are tracked with the delivery of goods or service delivery document.
  • Missions, including registration and payment.
  • Compensation, including registration and payment.
  • Reimbursements, including registration and payment.
  • Revenue management (donations, contributions, project revenue), including modifications to the budget.
  • Invoices, including registration, issuing, budget changes and collections.
  • Research projects, including inclusion in the procedure and budget modifications.
  • Economic funds, including registration and reinsertion.
  • Inventories, including registering goods and issuing loading/unloading vouchers.
  • Issuing payment and collection orders for the costs and revenues under our responsibility and handling foreign non-SEPA payments.

Accounting Group for Humanities
Our group provides accounting services to support the departments and independent centres of the Humanities area. We are specifically involved in taking care of:
  • Registration and settlement of passive invoices and general outgoing invoices, provided the orders are tracked with the delivery of goods or service delivery document.
  • Missions, including registration and payment.
  • Compensation, including registration and payment.
  • Reimbursements, including registration and payment.
  • Revenue management (donations, contributions, project revenue), including modifications to the budget.
  • Invoices, including registration, issuing, budget changes and collections.
  • Research projects, including inclusion in the procedure and budget modifications.
  • Economic funds, including registration and reinsertion.
  • Inventories, including registering goods and issuing loading/unloading vouchers.
  • Issuing payment and collection orders for the costs and revenues under our responsibility and handling foreign non-SEPA payments.

Accounting Group for Medicine and Surgery
Our group provides accounting services to support the departments, schools and independent centres of the Medical area. We are specifically involved in taking care of:
  • Registration and settlement of passive invoices and general outgoing invoices, provided the orders are tracked with the delivery of goods or service delivery document.
  • Missions, including registration and payment.
  • Compensation, including registration and payment.
  • Reimbursements, including registration and payment.
  • Revenue management (donations, contributions, project revenue), including modifications to the budget.
  • Invoices, including registration, issuing, budget changes and collections.
  • Research projects, including inclusion in the procedure and budget modifications.
  • Economic funds, including registration and reinsertion.
  • Inventories, including registering goods and issuing loading/unloading vouchers.
  • Issuing payment and collection orders for the costs and revenues under our responsibility and handling foreign non-SEPA payments.

Accounting Group for Science and Engineering
Our group provides accounting services to support the departments, schools and independent centres of the Science and Engineering area. We are specifically involved in taking care of:
  • Registration and settlement of passive invoices and general outgoing invoices, provided the orders are tracked with the delivery of goods or service delivery document.
  • Missions, including registration and payment.
  • Compensation, including registration and payment.
  • Reimbursements, including registration and payment.
  • Revenue management (donations, contributions, project revenue), including modifications to the budget.
  • Invoices, including registration, issuing, budget changes and collections.
  • Research projects, including inclusion in the procedure and budget modifications.
  • Economic funds, including registration and reinsertion.
  • Inventories, including registering goods and issuing loading/unloading vouchers.
  • Issuing payment and collection orders for the costs and revenues under our responsibility and handling foreign non-SEPA payments.

Remuneration Group
Our group coordinates and oversees employee and non-employee wage payments and the related social security payments.

University Administration Group
Our group assists with financial planning, including mid- and long-term planning, and we are responsible for providing the necessary administrative and accounting information to the governing bodies of the university. We prepare financial statements such as the financial and investment budgets, annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements, coordinating the management of financial, asset and analytical accounting.

Services Managed by:  Head office Administration and Finance

where to find us

The contents of this page are the responsibility of the structure: Head office Administration and Finance .
For any explanations, contact: Giuseppe Nifosi'

© 2002 - 2024  Verona University
Via dell'Artigliere 8, 37129 Verona  |  VAT number IT01541040232  |  Italian Fiscal Code 93009870234