Research Office

Maria Gabaldo
Via San Francesco, 22 - 37129 Verona


It supports the research and innovation activities within the university, the relations with enterprises and the training of new researchers.

The Research Area, within the General Management, deals with:

  • activities related to research funding and scientific training;
  • support to departments and research centres for the coordination of research activities both nationally and internationally;
  • development of research activity and exploitation of its results;
  • promotion of initiatives to increase externally acquired research funds;
  • management of strategic relationships with companies and public bodies in our region;
  • support for new entrepreneurship (start-ups and spin-offs).
  • management of all activities related to doctoral courses.

For the development of its activities, the Research Area is organised in four units:

  • the Research Promotion and Development Unit ( it deals with the search for local, national, European and international funding for the university's research projects, from the idea to the submission of grant applications;
  • the Research Management and Reporting Unit (  provides support in all phases of management of funded research projects (at national, European and international level) from the grant preparation, administrative management, financial reporting and to audit procedures;
  • the PhD and Research Fellowship Unit (  ensures support to the PhD School and Doctoral Courses, provides for the preparation of internationalization agreements of doctoral programmes, ensures the procedures for research fellowships;
  • the Liaison Office (  promotes the exploitation of research results, the development of University-business relations, and collaboration with public and private entities in the region through conventions, contracts and agreements.

Info and Contacts

PhD Unit
E-mail:  camilla|morelato*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  +39 045 802 8608

Liaison Office Unit
E-mail:  sviluppo|ricerca*ateneo|univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  +39 045 802 8357

Research Promotion and Development Unit
E-mail:  progettazione|ricerca*ateneo|univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  +39 045802 8028 | 8622

Planning and Accountability of Research Projects Unit
E-mail:  rendicontazione|ricerca*ateneo|univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Telephone:  +39 045802 8642

Director's staff

Elena Campigotto
Administrative duties:  Scholarship holder

Internal responsibility

Research Promotion and Development Unit

The Research Promotion and Development Unit is dedicated to search funding for our university's research projects, from the idea to the submission of proposals applications.

The unit’s activities focus on local, national, European and international funding opportunities for research in all disciplines and topics.

In particular, the unit:

  • promotes a better knowledge of the main funding programmes, and of national, European, and international policies to support research, through courses and seminars to inform the researchers and deeply analyze funding opportunities
  • provides support to researchers in finding the best funding opportunities for their needs and project ideas
  • assists researchers in the preparation and submission of proposals, supporting them with the technical review of the contents / sections of the project proposals, including the description of work packages, deliverables, the elaboration of Gantt charts, and the preparation of the budget.

Furthermore, the unit is a point of reference for researchers from outside our university, who choose the University of Verona to conduct their research thanks to specific funding such as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships, the Rita Levi Montalcini fellowships, the European Research Council.

Finally, the unit collaborates with the other university offices in the collection and analysis of data on funding requests and research grants received.

Organization of the unit

The contact points of the unit are:

  • Deborah Bonamini: departments of Diagnostics and Public Health; Medicine; Neuroscience, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences;
  • Daniela Grisi: departments of Cultures and Civilizations; Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures; Law; Human Sciences;
  • Gabriella Monaco: departments of Biotechnology; Management; Economics;
  • Elisa Zanini: departments of Computer Science; Engineering for Innovative Medicine; Surgery, Dentistry, Paediatrics and Gynaecology.

Planning and Accountability of Research Projects Unit
This unit is responsible for:
  • Assisting researchers with opportunities for local, national, European and international funding, and helping with the preparation and presentation of project proposals.
  • Producing reports about the funded research projects.

PhD Unit
This unit is responsible for:
  • Providing support to the PhD Schools and PhD programmes.
  • Managing PhD grants and scholarships.
  • Managing application rounds and the academic pathway of PhD students.
  • Managing internationalisation agreements for PhD programmes.
  • Managing research scholarships.

Liaison Office Unit
This unit is responsible for:
  • Encouraging the use and diffusion of research results in the local area.
  • Monitoring and identifying opportunities for technology research to support new companies (spin-offs).
  • Overseeing the development of relationships between the university and the entrepreneurial world (joint projects).
  • Ensuring researchers get support for patents and technology transfers.

Services Managed by:  Research Office

where to find us

The contents of this page are the responsibility of the structure: Staff office Research Office.
For any explanations, contact: Maria Gabaldo

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