Concorsi per Studenti e Laureati

International degree-seeking students

Bando pre-ammissione e assegnazione di 33 contributi di studio per studentesse/i non comunitarie/i, con titolo di laurea estero e residenti in Paesi non comunitari, per l’a.a. 2024/2025 a Corsi di Laurea Magistrale internazionali - Call for applications for pre-admissions and for the awarding of 33 student support and benefits for non-EU students holding a foreign degree, residing in a non-EU country, and applying for an International Master’s degree for a.y. 2024/2025

 Rep. 1352 del 07/02/2024 
Application deadline
 30/03/2024   Hours 3:00 PM

Required documentation for public selection

pdf Bando LM Internazionali  (pdf,  it, 1965 KB)
pdf Call for applications  (pdf,  en, 263 KB)
pdf Annex 1  (pdf,  it, 1325 KB)
pdf Avviso del 13.3.3024  (pdf,  it, 531 KB)
pdf Decreto di integrazione al Bando  (pdf,  it, 235 KB)
pdf List of applications received for pre-admission to the International Master's Degree  (pdf,  en, 916 KB)
Other documents (calendar, ranking list, etc.)

pdf Final Rankings  (pdf,  it, 667 KB)

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