Humanities, Economics and Law group

Enrico Piana
Via S. Francesco, 22 - 37129 Verona 


The Humanities, Economics and Law group is responsible for:
  • Assisting department directors, teaching committee chairs and degree programme contact staff with study programmes and the management of teaching for Humanities, Economics and Law.
  •  Carrying out quality assurance for study programmes and the teaching within Humanities, Economics and Law.
  •  Managing the academic records of first- and second-level tertiary students in Humanities, Economics and Law.
  •  Running the help desk for students.

Personnel in the Area

Giorgia Tinazzi
Administrative duties:  Position

Operational units

Foreign Languages and Literatures Teaching and Student Services Unit
This unit is responsible for:
  • Supporting the deliberations of the department, teaching committees and joint committees on teaching and student services.
  • Supporting the department, teaching committees and study programme contact staff in establishing and modifying courses (initial project, definitive project (Sua-CdS card) and sustainability), establishing and terminating courses (teaching load, teaching regulations) and monitoring (exam resits and second marking).
  • Managing contract professors.
  • Overseeing the organisation of lesson times, exams and graduation sessions.
  • Managing the academic records of the students in the department.
  • Running the front office.

Humanistic Studies Teaching and Student Services Unit
This unit is responsible for:
  • Supporting the deliberations of the department, teaching committees and joint committees on teaching and student services.
  • Supporting the department, teaching committees and study programme contact staff in establishing and modifying courses (initial project, definitive project (Sua-CdS card) and sustainability), establishing and terminating courses (teaching load, teaching regulations) and monitoring (exam resits and second marking).
  • Managing contract professors.
  • Overseeing the organisation of lesson times, exams and graduation sessions.
  • Managing the academic records of the students in the department.
  • Running the front office.

Culture and Civilisation Teaching and Student Services Unit
This unit is responsible for:
  • Supporting the deliberations of the department, teaching committees and joint committees on teaching and student services.
  • Supporting the department, teaching committees and study programme contact staff in establishing and modifying courses (initial project, definitive project (Sua-CdS card) and sustainability), establishing and terminating courses (teaching load, teaching regulations) and monitoring (exam resits and second marking).
  • Managing contract professors.
  • Overseeing the organisation of lesson times, exams and graduation sessions.
  • Managing the academic records of the students in the department.
  • Running the front office.


Supporto informatico ai processi didattici e comunicazione orientamento

La struttura fornisce un supporto a tutta la Direzione presidiando le attività connesse alla configurazione ed erogazione dei servizi online in ESSE3, tenendo i rapporti con il fornitore della procedura informatica di gestione delle carriere studenti e DSIT, promuovendo soluzioni funzionali e innovative in un'ottica di semplificazione delle procedure.

Nello specifico la struttura:

  • presidia le attività connesse alla gestione delle tasse per tutte le tipologie di corsi di studio
  • fornisce un supporto informatico ai processi didattici 
  • coordina la gestione della comunicazione rivolta alla componente studentesca con un'attenzione particolare per le matricole

promuovendo soluzioni funzionali e innovative in un'ottica di semplificazione delle procedure.


Il personale interno dell'Ateneo potrà contattare la nuova struttura per richiedere supporto tecnico connesso alle attività didattiche:

  • tramite service desk ( selezionando le seguenti voci di menu: 007 DIREZIONE OFFERTA FORMATIVA, SERVIZI E SEGRETERIE STUDENTI | Supporto ai processi didattici | Esse3 - problemi tecnici (solo relativamente alle procedure utilizzate dalle UO della DOSS)
  • tramite (solo relativamente alle procedure utilizzate dalle UO della DOSS)

Se sei uno studente e non sai a chi rivolgerti, scrivi a la tua richiesta sarà inviata al protocollo che provvederà ad assegnarla all'ufficio competente.

Services Managed by:  Humanities, Economics and Law group

where to find us

The contents of this page are the responsibility of the structure:
 Humanities, Economics and Law group.
For any explanations, contact: Enrico Piana

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Via dell'Artigliere 8, 37129 Verona  |  VAT number IT01541040232  |  Italian Fiscal Code 93009870234