Titolo | Descrizione | Formato (Lingua, Dimensione, Data pubblicazione) o URL |
Global Protect Agent for Mac | Mac OS needs to download and install Mac 32/64 bit GlobalProtect agent. |
octet-stream (it, 29458 KB, 14/04/21)
Global Protect Agent for Windows 64bit | Windows 64 bit OS needs to download and install Windows 64 bit GlobalProtect agent. |
octet-stream (it, 42681 KB, 14/04/21)
Global Protect Agent for Windows 32bit | Windows 32 bit OS needs to download and install Windows 32 bit GlobalProtect agent. |
octet-stream (it, 20844 KB, 14/04/21)
Istruzioni su come mappare un disco di rete in VPN Global Protect |
pdf (it, 898 KB, 06/04/20)