Student surveys

Stefano Fedeli
Monica Agostini  |  Daiana Donati  |  Angela Mellino  |  Laura Mion
Service managed by
Operational unit Quality and Assessment Unit
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The University of Verona regularly gathers – through anonymous surveys and questionnaires – opinions and views from students during their university life: from enrolment to graduation and, if applicable, until they enrol in a PhD programme.
Surveys and questionnaires are administered directly by the University or through the AlmaLaurea Consortium.
Below you can find a list of the surveys administered through questionnaires to our students, graduates and PhDs:
  • survey on first-year students;
  • general student survey;
  • survey on soon-to-be graduates;
  • AlmaLaurea survey on graduates’ employment (within one, three and five years of graduation);
  • survey on the activities carried out by PhD students;
  • AlmaLaurea survey on PhDs;
  • survey on PhDs and researchers’ employment (within one year of the completion of the programme).
Survey on First-year Students
This survey is aimed at students who enrol in a Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programme or a Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programme. This survey aims at providing an overview of the following aspects: school experience; student orientation; family; employment; previous academic and training experiences.
The University uses the information collected to better plan and deliver its educational offer, also improving services for new students.
To fill in the questionnaire you’ll need to log in to the Esse3 portal using your username and password. Select “Segreteria” from the menu on the left, then click on “Accedi al questionario Immatricolati AlmaLaurea”.

Student Survey
All students – both attending and non-attending – must fill in the student questionnaire before registering to each exam. This survey aims at gathering the students’ views on the following topics: teaching; professors; general interest for each module.
The University uses the information collected in order to monitor and improve the teaching activities and the organisation of the programme. Surveys are generally used by the universities as part of their evaluation system.
Curious? Here’s how it works!
Each time a student logs in to the Esse3 portal and registers online for an exam, he/she is automatically redirected to a ‘Survey page’, where he/she will be required to fill in the relevant questionnaire. After completing the questionnaire, the student will be able to proceed with the online registration for the exam in question.

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