Before the mobility

Service managed by
Operational unit International Office

1. Prepare your Erasmus+ study mobility

1.1 Information

Plan in advance the activity to be carried out during the Erasmus+ mobility period and consult:

1.2 Local Coordinator

Please contact the Erasmus Coordinator to choose the period and type of activities to carry out abroad. The names of the Coordinators are indicated in the map of international agreements

1.3 Nominations

After the selection and publication of the final rankings, the International Office staff send the names and data of the selected students (=Outgoing students) to the host universities (Nomination). Deadlines indicated by each partner university are considered and priority for the most urgent deadlines is respected.

1.4 Application

Outgoing students have to:

  • check the application deadlines at the Host University
  • fill out their Application Form and send it according to the instructions given by the Host University
  • keep a copy of the documentation.

The Host University may request additional documents, such as Learning Agreement (see 2.4), certificates of language competence (to be requested from the Language Centre - CLA) and/or documents related to the previous university career (Academic Transcript = enrollment certificate with exams in English; to be requested at the student’s office according to the specific area of study). To certify the 1st cycle career already completed (=Laurea Triennale), please contact the Diploma Office and request the Diploma Supplement.

1.5 Accommodation

Consult the website of the Host University and/or the information provided directly by the partners on student residences or private accommodation and send the requested documentation respecting the deadlines.

1.6 Financial contract

Considering the available funds and the monthly amount expected for each country of destination based on the economic condition - ISEE (see Art. 4 of the Call 2024/2025), the International Office staff prepare the financial contract for each outgoing student, based on the number of months stated in the bilateral agreement. The information relating to the ISEE is taken from the INPS database. Students have to sign the financial contract before departure, according to the instructions and deadlines given. At the time of signing the contract and for the entire duration of the mobility, they must be enrolled full-time and be up to date with the payment of university fees at Univr.

1.7 Students enrolled in the 3rd year of a 1st cycle degree course

Students who at the time of application were enrolled in the third year of a three-year degree course (1st cycle, Laurea Triennale) must carry out the mobility period during the first year of studies of a Master's degree course at Univr, or their grant will be revoked. Before signing the financial contract, students must communicate the updated data relating to their academic status via Service Desk to the International Office (new matriculation number, exact name of the new Course of Study).

1.8 Equal opportunities and Green Travel

Students with minor opportunities (physical, mental or health conditions needs and/or with disadvantaged socioeconomic conditions) can request additional contributions. 

An exceptional una tantum contribution of 50 Euros for “green travel” is also available (most of the travel must be done using low-emission transports, such as buses, trains or car sharing).

1.9 Online Language Support (OLS)

The European Commission provides a system for self-assessment, monitoring and improvement of language skills before (= initial evaluation test), during (= online course) and after (= final evaluation test) the Erasmus+ mobility period, called OLS Online Linguistic Support.

1.10 Personal documents

Before leaving do not forget to check that:

  • your identity card is valid for travel abroad. Attention: some non-EU countries require a passport. For further information, contact the Registry Office of the Municipality of residence or consult the website of the Verona Police Headquarters (Passport Office);
  • your European Health Insurance Card (TEAM or EHIC) is valid (see 4.3).

1.11 Mobility to the United Kingdom

For Italian citizens or EU citizens stays up to 180 days visa is not required. For stays longer than 180 days, regardless of citizenship, a TIER-4 visa is required. To clarify any doubt and for support in applying for a visa, outgoing students can contact the International Students Union (ISU).

1.12 Students with non-European citizenship

Students with non-European citizenship must have a stay permit for study purposes. For Erasmus+ mobility in Schengen Area countries, they are exempted from the visa requirement with some exceptions (Ministry of the Interior Circular no. 400/A/2010/12.214.39 – art. 8 directive 2004/114/EC paragraph 4 bis and 4 ter art 39 Legislative Decree 286/98 and subsequent amendments and additions):

  • for mobility to Germany, France, United Kingdom or Ireland, regardless of the type of stay permit, it is necessary to request a visa for study purposes;
  • anyone with a stay permit for family/work reasons or a long-term EU residence card, regardless of the country of destination, must obtain a visa for study purposes.

Upon returning to Italy, it is necessary to prove the application for a stay permit by attaching the documentation of the period of stay abroad. To clarify any doubt and for support in requesting a stay permit, you can contact the International Students Union (ISU).

1.13 Withdrawal from the mobility

In case of serious impediment, it is possible to withdraw from the Erasmus+ mobility grant by sending a reasoned declaration of withdrawal via Service Desk (see Withdrawal Form).

2. Activities to carry out abroad

Before departure, outgoing students have to plan the activities to be carried out during the mobility period by following the indications contained in the University Regulations for international student mobility and in the specific regulations for each Study Course.

2.1 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)

Most of the Erasmus partner universities in Europe adopt the ECTS system for credit transfer, which provides:

• 1 Italian credit (CFU) = 1 ECTS credit

(for UK universities: 1 Italian CFU credit = 2 UK credits)

The study program to be carried out abroad must be appropriate to the duration of the mobility period, with a number of credits as equivalent as possible to the corresponding study period at Univr:

  • 60 credits for an entire academic year (from 7 to 12 months)
  • 30 credits for one semester (from 2 to 6 months).

The minimum number of credits to be compulsorily acquired abroad and to be recognized in the academic career, under penalty of full refund of the mobility grant, is as follows:

  • 12 credits for periods from 2 to 6 months
  • 24 credits for periods of 7 to 12 months

For further information, please consult the specific regulations for your Study Course.

2.2 Choice of courses and activities

To choose the courses and the activities to carry out at the Host University:

  • consult the information sheet to ensure that the courses/activities chosen are compatible with the disciplinary area and contact the Coordinator (see 1.2) for support
  • check the academic calendar of the Host University to check the dates of the semesters and the course schedule
  • respect the terms and methods of registration for courses (pre-registration, courses with limited attendance)
  • choose activities compatible with your level of studies (I - II - III cycle) in compliance with any preparatory rules established by your Study Course
  • consult the specific regulation for your Study Course

2.3 Research for a thesis

Students who intend to carry out research for their thesis during the Erasmus+ mobility period (see Art. 2 of the Regulations) have to contact:

  • thesis supervisor at Univr, to agree on the topic of the thesis
  • local coordinator (see 1.2) who must check in advance whether it is possible to carry out this activity at the Host University.

The host University will evaluate in the end whether students can be admitted for the thesis research activity or not. PhD students have to contact the PhD Office at Univr to report their period of activity abroad.

2.4 Stages and internships

In the framework of the Erasmus+ study Programme, in addition to study activities, it is possible to carry out also a compulsory internship or a stage in a company / organization. These two activities (study + internship) can be carried out in different ways depending on the context: one activity after the other or the two activities at the same time. This combination follows the funding rules and the minimum duration required for study mobility (60 days). Students have to:

  1. include the internship/stage in the Learning Agreement;
  2. follow the specific instructions for each Study Course by contacting the relevant Student’s office;
  3. check the necessary procedures by contacting the Internships and work orientation Office, specifying that these activities are carried out during the Erasmus mobility.

Two alternative procedures are possible:

  1. Internship is promoted by the Host University: the stage/internship is activated according to the instructions of the Host University which signs the Learning Agreement (L.A.) in the Receiving Institution section; in this case the documentation required by the Univr for the activation and recognition of the internship is not used.
  2. Internship is promoted by Univr: the stage/internship is activated according to the procedures established at the home university. In this case, the documentation provided by the Univr is used for the activation of the internship: request for accreditation of the host company/institution, internship agreement, training project; for credit recognition: attendance sheet, final student report, final company tutor report, a certificate from the academic tutor regarding the successful completion of the internship and the credits achievement (procedure transmitted to the student and to the academic tutor by email at the time of activation of the internship).

For information: Internships and work orientation

2.5 Learning Agreement for studies (LA) – “Before the Mobility”

The Learning Agreement for studies (LA) is a European document of the Erasmus+ Programme, which contains the activities to be carried out during the mobility, to be completed and approved before departure by all parties involved (Student, Sending Institution, Receiving Institution) to safeguard the outgoing students. The completion of the LA is a responsibility of the student and must be carried out via Esse3 following the Esse3 Guidelines for Erasmus+ study mobility. The academic activities to be carried out at the Host University (Table A) are intended as a substitute for some of the activities planned in the relevant study course (Table B), for an appropriate number of credits related to the duration of the study period abroad. The activities abroad are aimed, as a whole, at the acquisition of knowledge and skills consistent with the profile of the study course to which they belong and flexibly replace a set of academic activities included in the curriculum. Identity of programmes and titles, or one-to-one correspondence of credits, is not required between the specific activities of the two institutions.

IMPORTANT: The total number of credits contained in Table A must correspond to the total number of credits contained in Table B. Minimum differences of credits between the activities to be carried out abroad and those to be replaced in the study plan are admissible for a maximum of two credits for the entire mobility period (See University Regulations for international student mobility).

Attention: if the Host University has not adopted the ECTS system it is necessary to convert between local credits and ECTS credits (UK: 2 local credits = 1 ECTS credit) and indicate the correct number in Table A. Thesis research, PhD research, internship in the healthcare area or stage activities must be included in the Learning Agreement (LA).

2.6 Approval of the Learning Agreement (LA)

In the "Commitment" section, approval of the LA by the three parts involved is required:

  • student (electronic signature and date of compilation, automatically generated by Esse3);
  • Univr (Sending Institution: electronic signature of the teacher and date, automatically generated by Esse3);
  • Host University (Receiving Institution: electronic signature - where applicable - of the teacher and date, or handwritten signature).

For detailed information on the procedures, consult the Esse3 Guidelines for Erasmus+ mobility. Before departure, after receiving the LA countersigned by the Host University, outgoing students have to send a copy in .pdf format of the fully signed document to the International Office via Service Desk.

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