Post Graduate Group

Caterina Gallasin
Via San Francesco, 22 - 37129 Verona 


Our group is involved with:
  • Supporting decisions on the teaching of short master's courses, advanced courses and professional development courses by the Postgraduate Committee, the relevant departments and the central bodies of the university.
  • Supporting study programme contact staff in setting up, managing and monitoring postgraduate courses.
  • Ensuring links with the USR and MIUR for university courses that are within the institutional framework of in-service training for teachers at all school levels.
  • Planning and managing work guidance activities and promoting meetings between jobseekers and employers.

Operational units

Inclusion and Accessibility
The Inclusion and Accessibility unit provides students with disabilities and SLD/learning disabilities with the following personalised services:
  • support for enrolment procedures
  • assistance and auxiliary aids when taking an admission test
  • scholarships and benefits for students
  • support and assistive technologies
  • transport and assistance for moving around the University
  • help with your paperwork and administrative procedures
  • activities for social inclusion.

For further information on the services offered please refer to the Inclusion and Accessibility Guide to Services, available online. WHERE WE ARE Polo Zanotto, Palazzo di Lettere, ground floor, rooms T.07, T.08, T.09. The Operational Unit for Inclusion and Accessibility is located at the Polo Zanotto, Palazzo di Lettere, on the ground floor, next to the concierge. ACCESSIBILITY OF BUILDINGS All buildings of the University of Verona are accessible to persons with disabilities, in compliance with current legislation. Any improvements are discussed on report.

Orientation Services Unit
This unit is responsible for:
  • Providing information in hard copy and online format to future students about the university’s degree programmes and services.
  • Organising for the university to be present at orientation fairs.
  • Organising and managing orientation meetings at secondary schools.
  • Organising and managing the Tandem Project for secondary school students.
  • Organising events and activities to welcome students.
  •  Providing individual study programme guidance to current students.
  • Coordinating and managing the administrative side of student tutoring.
  • Organising and managing admission test preparation courses.

Postgraduate Study Unit
This unit is responsible for:
  • Supporting decisions on the teaching of short postgraduate courses by the postgraduate committee, the relevant departments and the central bodies of the university.
  •  Managing courses for school teachers, graduate teachers and those who meet the requirements to teach in schools.
  • Assisting programme contact staff in setting up, managing and monitoring courses.
  • Managing contract professors.
  • Overseeing the organisation of lesson times and exams.
  • Managing the academic records of students enrolled in these courses.
  • Promoting the courses offered at the university.
  • Managing state exams.

Opening times 

Our offices, including our ‘front office’, are now closed to the public, and all in-person appointments are suspended until further notice. Please contact us by email or phone from Monday to Friday, 10 am to 12 noon.

Career Service and Teacher Training Unit
This unit is responsible for:
  •  Managing internships for new graduates.
  •  Running work orientation/guidance activities.
  •  Providing placement services and initiatives.

Internships and Work Experience Unit
This unit is responsible for:
  • Handling agreements with companies and managing internships and work experiences, including those abroad and within the Erasmus+ work experience programme.
  • Providing guidance for students about companies, internships and developing professional skills.
  • Preselecting candidates and organising public service traineeships (MAECI, MIUR and ENAC).
  • Helping university departments and management staff with School/Work Alternation internships.

Services Managed by:  Post Graduate Group

where to find us

The contents of this page are the responsibility of the structure:
 Post Graduate Group.
For any explanations, contact: Caterina Gallasin

© 2002 - 2024  Verona University
Via dell'Artigliere 8, 37129 Verona  |  VAT number IT01541040232  |  Italian Fiscal Code 93009870234